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13 Jul 2024
@felix:haecker.ioFelixbut once I'm done with my uni exams, I have to take care of Shortwave, all the legacy code of the early gtk-rs days scares me 🥲16:32:38
@msandova:gnome.orgMaximiliano 🥑there is time16:38:15
@msandova:gnome.orgMaximiliano 🥑we are a few weeks away from beta16:38:20
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [World/Shortwave] bilelmoussaoui commented on merge request !491: flatpak: Fix 24.08 build pt II

why this was removed :p

@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [World/Shortwave] bilelmoussaoui commented on merge request !494: Update to gtk4-rs 0.9

this one is no longer used and can be removed no?

@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [World/Shortwave] msandova commented on merge request !491: flatpak: Fix 24.08 build pt II

Unfortunately, they all require nightly rustfmt. We could keep them tho.

Note that

newline_style = "Unix"

is in stable, but does it make sense to keep the file just for that?

@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [World/Shortwave] msandova commented on merge request !494: Update to gtk4-rs 0.9

The app still uses get_widget in a few places.

error: could not compile `shortwave` (bin "shortwave") due to 122 previous errors; 1 warning emitted
In reply to @gitlab:t2bot.io
[World/Shortwave] msandova commented on merge request !494: Update to gtk4-rs 0.9

The app still uses get_widget in a few places.

error: could not compile `shortwave` (bin "shortwave") due to 122 previous errors; 1 warning emitted
I'm ashamed of that
@msandova:gnome.orgMaximiliano 🥑meh, its fine17:38:26
@felix:haecker.ioFelix idk, I guess it hits me a bit differently when I'm the person who wrote that damn get_widget() macro which haunts now every old gtk-rs codebase 17:41:25
@msandova:gnome.orgMaximiliano 🥑I guess one could just write a nice regex grep and get rid of them17:41:56
@msandova:gnome.orgMaximiliano 🥑and slowly port stuff over to templates17:42:02
@msandova:gnome.orgMaximiliano 🥑I mean if you and I do a single widget per cycle we would be done in no time17:42:27
@felix:haecker.ioFelixI better invest the time in directly porting stuff to templates then trying to find a workaround with regex17:42:50
@msandova:gnome.orgMaximiliano 🥑
    let ctx = glib::MainContext::default();
    let _guard = ctx.acquire().unwrap();

    // Run app itself
@msandova:gnome.orgMaximiliano 🥑was?18:26:55
* @felix:haecker.ioFelix guesses he has to interpret this in 🇩🇪18:27:23
In reply to @msandova:gnome.org
The maincontext guard or what?
@msandova:gnome.orgMaximiliano 🥑why you need this guard18:27:38
@felix:haecker.ioFelixat some point in gtk-rs history this was needed 18:27:53
@felix:haecker.ioFelixfeel free to remove it and if something breaks 🙈18:28:05
@felix:haecker.ioFelix * feel free to remove it and see if something breaks 🙈18:28:46
@msandova:gnome.orgMaximiliano 🥑Do you remember why? The commit does not really say, but i guess ill just test it later19:28:38
@felix:haecker.ioFelixIIRC it crashed at some point when this wasn't set 19:29:47
@msandova:gnome.orgMaximiliano 🥑tested a few things, didn't crash20:12:48
@msandova:gnome.orgMaximiliano 🥑so removed it20:12:54
16 Jul 2024
@diogenes_greene:private.coffee@diogenes_greene:private.coffee joined the room.03:05:03
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [World/Shortwave] kurhlaa opened issue #731: Not reconnecting (or no sound) if stations are switched too fast

Shortwave version: 3.2.0

With some stations I need to wait for some time until the streaming starts and sound appears, so often I switch to another station - but as a result Shortwave stops playing sound at all. Switching stations again doesn't help, so the only solution is to restart the whole app. I assume something is stuck if station is switched before it's fully loaded and it can never be restored.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Start Shortwave,
  2. Start any station,
  3. While you see the rotating connection icon - switch to another station,
  4. See that sound never appears any more, whatever you do.
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [World/Shortwave] haecker-felix closed issue #731: Not reconnecting (or no sound) if stations are switched too fast 10:56:09
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [World/Shortwave] haecker-felix commented on issue #731: Not reconnecting (or no sound) if stations are switched too fast

Already fixed by https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Shortwave/-/merge_requests/486


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