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28 Jul 2024
@alexm:gnome.orgAlice (she/her)just because that's the only thing you see when it's open17:54:08
@alexm:gnome.orgAlice (she/her)even then it's unnecessary17:54:12
In reply to @alexm:gnome.org
even then it's unnecessary

Yeah. As I said, I'm just experimenting with some new ideas.

Right now I tend to give up the recolouring again altogether, despite being a bit saddened that I figured out the color extraction bit for nothing then :D

29 Jul 2024
@tbernard:gnome.orgTobias Bernardi think it's similar to a music library app17:06:33
@tbernard:gnome.orgTobias Bernardyou wouldn't wanna recolor the album grid with the currently playing album art there either, it's on a different level semantically17:07:03
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [World/Shortwave] translations pushed 1 commit to main:
  • df7eef5c Update Hindi translation by Scrambled 777
31 Jul 2024
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [World/Shortwave] j.skrle opened issue #732: Recorded track gets overriden when following track has same name

I sometime use Shortwave to record sport news on particular radio station when there are mentions of our club. The problem is the station is mainly about music so while songs are properly tagged with names and authors all spoken intermissions are tagged just with name of the radio. This caused a problem when oblivious to the behaviour I wasn't fast enough to save the intermission track I wanted and few minutes later was already being replaced by currently airing intermission.

1 Aug 2024
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [World/Shortwave] translations pushed 1 commit to main:
  • 7022d8e6 Update Turkish translation by Sabri Ünal
3 Aug 2024
@wrottik:matrix.org~#!/usr/mittwerk️ removed their profile picture.16:47:49
5 Aug 2024
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [World/Shortwave] haecker-felix pushed 2 commits to wip/haeckerfelix/player-rewrite:
  • f3bd1890 css: Remove no longer used style classes
  • e38a04d0 deny: Update config
* @felix:haecker.ioFelix experiments with some recording indicator, tries to come up with a layout which doesn't look that bad. 21:53:25
Download image.png
  • Above the player controls -> eats too much space?
  • anywhere else -> disconnected from the song title, which is the thing which gets recorded -> confusing
Download image.png
@felix:haecker.ioFelixor sth smaller - but still looks a bit off22:06:51
@felix:haecker.ioFelix Tobias Bernard: wdyt? 22:10:09
@tbernard:gnome.orgTobias Bernardmaybe a dot before the timestamp and/or red pill background to indicate that it's recording?22:12:30
Download image.png
In reply to @tbernard:gnome.org
maybe a dot before the timestamp and/or red pill background to indicate that it's recording?
further enlarges the indicator, which makes it too similar with the play/stop button :/
Download image.png
@felix:haecker.ioFelixAnother idea could be giving up the pill style and make the button circular 22:17:32
@tbernard:gnome.orgTobias Bernard
In reply to @felix:haecker.io
further enlarges the indicator, which makes it too similar with the play/stop button :/
i was thinking of a much smaller circle
@tbernard:gnome.orgTobias Bernardnot sure what the best unicode character would be, but something roughly half the size22:19:54
@felix:haecker.ioFelixhalf the size: 22:20:29
Download image.png
@tbernard:gnome.orgTobias Bernardmmmh the circle still looks kinda big there compared to the text22:21:02
Download image.png
@felix:haecker.ioFelixeven smaller 22:22:26
@felix:haecker.ioFelix Tobias Bernard: circle instead of pill for play/pause? Yay? Nay? 22:22:52
@tbernard:gnome.orgTobias Bernardslight preference for the pill i think22:24:43

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