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31 Mar 2024
@felix:haecker.ioFelix (on vacation) Shortwave was on my todo list :) 21:09:15
@msandova:gnome.orgMaximiliano 🥑you removed the update contact from fragments21:11:57
@msandova:gnome.orgMaximiliano 🥑btw21:11:57
@msandova:gnome.orgMaximiliano 🥑is that intended?21:12:00
@felix:haecker.ioFelix (on vacation)Update contact ?21:12:15
@msandova:gnome.orgMaximiliano 🥑
@msandova:gnome.orgMaximiliano 🥑who to contact if this metainfo gets lost21:13:08
@msandova:gnome.orgMaximiliano 🥑ditto kudos21:13:27
@felix:haecker.ioFelix (on vacation)
In reply to @msandova:gnome.org
ditto kudos
Yup, that was intended.
@felix:haecker.ioFelix (on vacation)
In reply to @msandova:gnome.org
who to contact if this metainfo gets lost
Seems to be useless to me. Does it get used somewhere?
@msandova:gnome.orgMaximiliano 🥑Who knows21:14:12
@msandova:gnome.orgMaximiliano 🥑I would not remove stuff21:14:30
@msandova:gnome.orgMaximiliano 🥑But ok21:14:39
@felix:haecker.ioFelix (on vacation)
In reply to @msandova:gnome.org
I would not remove stuff
The update contact wasn't intentional, I just wonder why it is needed / if I should add it again
@msandova:gnome.orgMaximiliano 🥑Then I'll just leave it where it makes more sense21:16:24
@felix:haecker.ioFelix (on vacation) Or idk, if the key is deprecated 21:16:25
@felix:haecker.ioFelix (on vacation)
In reply to @msandova:gnome.org
Then I'll just leave it where it makes more sense

Please do the same structure as Fragments / AudioSharing.

If something is missing, just add a note to the MR, because then I need to update the other projects as well.

* @felix:haecker.ioFelix (on vacation) tries to keep all his projects in sync 21:17:45
@msandova:gnome.orgMaximiliano 🥑ok21:19:04
@msandova:gnome.orgMaximiliano 🥑btwe21:19:12
@msandova:gnome.orgMaximiliano 🥑 * btw21:19:13
@msandova:gnome.orgMaximiliano 🥑your contact page in fragments is in german21:19:41
@msandova:gnome.orgMaximiliano 🥑 * your welcome page in fragments is in german21:19:46
@felix:haecker.ioFelix (on vacation) Uhhh code snippet? 21:19:57
@msandova:gnome.orgMaximiliano 🥑
  <url type="contribute">https://welcome.gnome.org/de/app/Fragments/</url>
@msandova:gnome.orgMaximiliano 🥑 /de/ 21:20:27
@felix:haecker.ioFelix (on vacation) Ah 21:20:35
@msandova:gnome.orgMaximiliano 🥑 just remove /de 21:20:41
@felix:haecker.ioFelix (on vacation) Yeah, I already fixed that 21:20:42
@felix:haecker.ioFelix (on vacation) But didn't push yet 21:20:47

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