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GNUnet is a new network protocol stack for building secure, distributed, and privacy-preserving applications. -- https://gnunet.org22 Servers

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20 Aug 2023
@ch3:matrix.orgch3 [tschee]
In reply to @veriatus:matrix.org
I rented a virtual server and i will create a Gnunet Node to support the Network. If its ok when i need support, i write the questions here?
Thanks a lot for your engagement! :) Be aware that this is no official channel. If you have questions, best use one of the mailing lists. (gnunet-developers@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/gnunet-developers)
@veriatus:matrix.orgVeriatusNp :) 15:49:50
@veriatus:matrix.orgVeriatusis there no way to delete those files? or is it planned to implement it later? i think its not so good. you maybe upload something by mistake, some personal things and you are out, no way to revert that15:51:09
@veriatus:matrix.orgVeriatusIn my view the files always should be in control of the owner15:51:31
@ch3:matrix.orgch3 [tschee]My understanding is that it's more of a possibility thing. Once you share something over the internet, you have lost all control over it. You can never and in no way guarantee, what happens to it, including deletion on request. So you should be careful with your data, independent of gnunet.16:38:30
@veriatus:matrix.orgVeriatusof course, but as a professional solution used maybe in the future by companys, they want to control the data they publish. for example : you publish an video for advertisment. something gets outdated in the video. you wanna delete that video and publish the newer one. just an example16:41:21
@veriatus:matrix.orgVeriatusor how do it work? i create a website with gnunet. i publish a video on my company website, and im not able to delete it anymore? im new at gnunet, so excuse me if im wrong with my conclusions16:59:15
@veriatus:matrix.orgVeriatusimagine i develop an application. the application relies on the gnunet as a protocol stack. how can i guarantee that the data remains in my control? when the data is available to everyone, no one will start creating professional solutions. thats just the reality as i experience it from a business perspective. If Gnunet want to be successful, the business aspect should be taking in consideration.17:49:55
@veriatus:matrix.orgVeriatusof course i mean not only in my control, but in the control of the users, using the application17:51:19
In reply to @veriatus:matrix.org
In my view the files always should be in control of the owner
The moment you upload a file into GNUNet you loose control of that file, because you have no control of the peers you share it with, and can't prevent them from sharing it with others.
@veriatus:matrix.orgVeriatus Kjartan: In Retroshare you can tell which directorys you wanna share and remove the shares again. its also peer oriented. Yes, the ppl that downloaded from that share have that file. But you can say to stop the publish on that way. Why not letting create some hash values and then delete all files if i revert the file with the hash value? 18:04:14
In reply to @veriatus:matrix.org
Kjartan: In Retroshare you can tell which directorys you wanna share and remove the shares again. its also peer oriented. Yes, the ppl that downloaded from that share have that file. But you can say to stop the publish on that way. Why not letting create some hash values and then delete all files if i revert the file with the hash value?
You can always stop sharing the file, which will prevent anyone.from downloading it from you, but anyone who has already downloaded it could have re-published it, and you can't prevent that.
@veriatus:matrix.orgVeriatus Kjartan: ah ok. i have not seen that function in the gnunet filesharing. i will retry this then. thank you for your answer 18:28:03
@veriatus:matrix.orgVeriatusin this case gnunet-fuse is for sharing directorys, which i can remove18:53:31

Veriatus: If the user is relying upon your application and they trust you, you can publish the "correct variation" as you see fit. If this is the control you are looking for then that can be done. If you'd like to permanently delete content... well... that can't be done even in a non-GNUnet world. Once someone downloads the content, they have it. (barring some elaborate DRM mechanism).

Again; if "delete" means you delete your copy and what you publish to the world, and what your users will get by default, of course that can be done. If "delete" means that any other copy in the world can be deleted when you wish, no - but that would be absurd.

@veriatus:matrix.orgVeriatus tomberek: i think this should be fine. i will go into the practical research for that. first step for now is to host a gnunet node on the rented hosting linux server and then i will continue to work that out. thank you very much for your answer 19:48:39
@veriatus:matrix.orgVeriatusin a later future i plan to develop applications relying on gnunet with python and the kivy framework19:49:06
21 Aug 2023
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net joined the room.01:36:38
25 Aug 2023
@hydrobnk:matrix.orgJellybeen joined the room.14:08:47
27 Aug 2023
@boxedwater:systemli.org@boxedwater:systemli.org left the room.23:26:38
1 Sep 2023
@stabilergriller:matrix.orgthrowaway account changed their display name from Yung Judas to throwaway account.17:59:38
5 Sep 2023
@folaht:matrix.org@folaht:matrix.org left the room.12:20:24
6 Sep 2023
@ch3:matrix.orgch3 [tschee] changed their display name from ch3 to ch3 [tschee].18:18:17
11 Sep 2023
@xyhhx:envs.netxyhhx 🔌 changed their display name from xyhhx 🟢 to xyhhx.02:52:06
2 Oct 2023
@temp4096:matrix.org@temp4096:matrix.org joined the room.11:32:05
@parnikkapore:matrix.orgParnikkapore 😁 joined the room.15:29:38
@parnikkapore:matrix.orgParnikkapore 😁Is the GNUnet network still around? I was trying it out, and it looks like the TUM bootstrap peers are no longer reachable at the denoted ports16:03:48
@parnikkapore:matrix.orgParnikkapore 😁 * Is the GNUnet network still around? I was trying it out, and it looks like the TUM bootstrap peers are no longer reachable at the ports in the hostlist16:04:06
@t3sserakt:tchncs.det3sseraktWe realized yesterday, that we had to restart the TUM peer. Maybe there is some persistent problem, because it is again not reachable. I have to ask those who can check what is wrong with the peer.16:30:29

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