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9 Jan 2024
@_discord_881273467482275930:t2bot.iojackcurtisviers joined the room.15:17:28
@_discord_294702730642063360:t2bot.iopertinax5488 changed their display name from pertinax to pertinax5488.17:49:47
@_discord_336857075030163466:t2bot.io.xolve joined the room.21:10:29
@_discord_517511351413899294:t2bot.ioclearbluesky joined the room.21:47:52
@_discord_381811231641698304:t2bot.iokotenoru joined the room.23:21:29
10 Jan 2024
@_discord_510415959480336393:t2bot.iopotatoef changed their profile picture.11:33:02
@_discord_1187543493887938623:t2bot.ioguillaume0404 joined the room.18:46:49
@_discord_739872396974227557:t2bot.iodjbpitt joined the room.21:54:13
11 Jan 2024
@_discord_1194910443454599239:t2bot.iobharath_50557 joined the room.09:18:45
@_discord_302919318998351884:t2bot.ioflensersteel joined the room.11:04:07
@_discord_721273241573785683:t2bot.iofommil a recent update in mill seems to have broken the ensime plugin, is anybody aware of what needs to be changed to get this line compiling again?

    val coursierDeps = allIvyDeps.map(module.resolveCoursierDependency()).toList
the error is
[error]  found   : mill.scalalib.Dep => coursier.Dependency
[error]     (which expands to)  mill.scalalib.Dep => coursier.core.Dependency
[error]  required: mill.scalalib.BoundDep => ?
[error]     val coursierDeps = allIvyDeps.map(module.resolveCoursierDependency()).toList
[error]                                                                       ^
@_discord_721273241573785683:t2bot.iofommilRedacted or Malformed Event14:46:46
@_discord_721273241573785683:t2bot.iofommil * a recent update in mill seems to have broken the ensime plugin, is anybody aware of what needs to be changed to get this line compiling again?

    val coursierDeps = allIvyDeps.map(module.resolveCoursierDependency()).toList
    val withSources = Resolution(
        .map(d =>
the error is
[error]  found   : mill.scalalib.Dep => coursier.Dependency
[error]     (which expands to)  mill.scalalib.Dep => coursier.core.Dependency
[error]  required: mill.scalalib.BoundDep => ?
[error]     val coursierDeps = allIvyDeps.map(module.resolveCoursierDependency()).toList
[error]                                                                       ^
@_discord_721273241573785683:t2bot.iofommil maybe converting the mill.scalalib.Dep to a mill.scalalib.BoundDep would help out somehow? There's no obvious way to do that here http://mill-build.com/api/latest/mill/scalalib/Dep.html 14:53:03
@_discord_721273241573785683:t2bot.iofommil looks like one of the many breaking changes in the 0.11.0 release. lihaoyi where's the best place to learn about migrating the API changes? 14:58:54
@_discord_721273241573785683:t2bot.iofommil this part of the code is just enforcing that all the sources should be downloaded for all the dependencies, I suspect the metals support does something similar. 15:00:08
@_discord_721273241573785683:t2bot.iofommil https://github.com/com-lihaoyi/mill/blob/main/contrib/bloop/src/mill/contrib/bloop/BloopImpl.scala#L328 seems relevant 15:01:10
seems to work as the replacement, same as the change in the Bloop impl
@_discord_721273241573785683:t2bot.iofommil it's a shame that the ensime plugin isn't included in the contrib module, but hey ho, life goes on. 15:04:32
@_discord_721273241573785683:t2bot.iofommil https://gist.github.com/fommil/a5618ddc16f38465ff6d50c9da9ec9b9

is the full version of the plugin that seems to work for 0.11.x
@tobiasroeser:matrix.orgTobias Roeser fommil: IIRC, I offered you to add the ensime plugin to the contrib section, but you declined. 15:08:29
@tobiasroeser:matrix.orgTobias Roeser * fommil: IIRC, I offered you to add the ensime plugin to the contrib repo, but you declined. 15:08:43
@tobiasroeser:matrix.orgTobias Roeser
In reply to @tobiasroeser:matrix.org
fommil: IIRC, I offered you to add the ensime plugin to the contrib repo, but you declined.
@_discord_721273241573785683:t2bot.iofommil I said "Thanks for the offer. However, if the user still needs to extends Ensime if it's distributed under contrib, then I'm not sure it makes any sense to have it distributed as part of Mill." which seems to be the end of the conversation, I wouldn't call that "declining". Do users need to manually enable a bloop plugin, for example? 15:11:33
@tobiasroeser:matrix.orgTobias RoeserSo let me quote myself: "You can add a new module to the contrib section and open a PR.". It's up to you. 15:12:39
@_discord_721273241573785683:t2bot.iofommil I'm potentially interested in that, if the value is that these sorts of breaking API changes are fixed as they are introduced.

What is the UX like for bloop / metals / intellij, are those plugins automatically enabled or does the user need to extends Something to turn them on?
@tobiasroeser:matrix.orgTobias RoeserYeah. We try to keep contrib plugin compiling and their test suites pass.15:14:39
@_discord_721273241573785683:t2bot.iofommil I don't have a test suite, would that be a requirement? 15:14:57
@tobiasroeser:matrix.orgTobias RoeserIt's a soft requirement to keep it functional without manual testing, I guess. Otherwise, only compile issues can be detected.15:16:24
@tobiasroeser:matrix.orgTobias RoeserThe UX should change from the way it's currently enabled. Depends on if it can act as external module (https://mill-build.com/mill/Modules.html#_external_modules) or if it needs per-module configuration.15:18:02

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