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24 Jul 2024
@m0sn:matrix.orgeLtMosenYepp, for the smelt/carp dock, i needed to angle the pogos ~30Β° so they fit around the qi charger.20:29:10
@m0sn:matrix.orgeLtMosenRedacted or Malformed Event20:29:29
@m0sn:matrix.orgeLtMosenRedacted or Malformed Event20:29:40
@m0sn:matrix.orgeLtMosenThis is 3d trnasformed and scaled to 4980 pixel height. So 100px = 1mm20:35:40
Download clipboard.png
@m0sn:matrix.orgeLtMosenhehe, turns out, the pads are exactly 1mm20:38:54
@m0sn:matrix.orgeLtMosenand 0.7mm space between them20:39:35
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@m0sn:matrix.orgeLtMosenThese are pogos with 0.9mm head, 1.5mm body and 2mm neck. Might be worth a try tbh?20:47:26
@m0sn:matrix.orgeLtMosenBut its sad that the pads are within the qi charger "circle". That makes it hard to cramp a qi charger close enough.20:50:31
@m0sn:matrix.orgeLtMosenHA, i bet we can just salvage the pin assembly from the sprat charger?!20:52:50
Download clipboard.png
@m0sn:matrix.orgeLtMosenRedacted or Malformed Event20:53:54
@m0sn:matrix.orgeLtMosen Here is a model of the gear s2 to carve out a cradle https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1638845 20:57:17
@m0sn:matrix.orgeLtMosen casept if this revives your interest, i'll get a gear s2 and build a usb dock. 20:59:34
@m0sn:matrix.orgeLtMosenWe are talking SM-R720, right?21:07:33
In reply to @m0sn:matrix.org
casept if this revives your interest, i'll get a gear s2 and build a usb dock.
Appreciate the offer, but I'm kind of short on time ATM and would like to get Rinato to a better state first. I don't want you to spend your time, only to do nothing with the end result.
@m0sn:matrix.orgeLtMosenHeehe, no worries. Its fun. And the benefit is that whoever gets back to it will find a working cradle ;)21:39:44
@m0sn:matrix.orgeLtMosenGot one for 15€ incl shipping. And the cradles are 3€ on ali.21:41:29
@m0sn:matrix.orgeLtMosenI'd bet any of those would fit21:42:00
Download clipboard.png
@m0sn:matrix.orgeLtMosenBut added the R380 to the monthly ali order πŸ˜…21:43:07
In reply to @m0sn:matrix.org
We are talking SM-R720, right?
You can do either SM-R720 or SM-R732, whichever you like more or find cheaper. In terms of internals they're not that different.
@casept:matrix.orgcasept* You can do either SM-R720 or SM-R732, whichever you like more or find cheaper. In terms of internals they're not that different. Mine is dead due to ripped pads anyways, so no preference from my side.21:46:46
25 Jul 2024
@aquarist684:pleco.spacesudosaysure changed their profile picture.13:54:16
@moonlightoff:matrix.orgFakeShell joined the room.21:22:29
26 Jul 2024
In reply to @defenestratedwizard:matrix.org
the manifest is just a list of AIDs as well as some catagory metadata (and minor routing information) in an xml file
ok, i may also want to support nfcF and potentially raw iso14443-2 as they may be needed for certain card emulations/tricks. apparently nfcF doesn't use AIDs, don't know how mifare emulation should be handled but that seems like a thing for after iso7816-4/iso14443-4 support and maybe even after nfcF
@defenestratedwizard:matrix.orgdefenestratedwizardnfcF would be useful immediately for doing arcade game login card emulation (there is an open source android app that might be possible to port over) and maybe later on used with γŠγ‚΅γ‚€γƒ•γ‚±γƒΌγ‚Ώγ‚€ SIMs for use as transit cards in Japan (note im not in Japan and this could only work with sims old enough to have the γŠγ‚΅γ‚€γƒ•γ‚±γƒΌγ‚Ώγ‚€ javacard applet embedded which I'm not sure if are still be being issued)03:20:13
@defenestratedwizard:matrix.orgdefenestratedwizard* nfcF would be useful immediately for doing arcade game login card emulation (there is an open source android app that might be possible to port over) and maybe later on used with γŠγ‚΅γ‚€γƒ•γ‚±γƒΌγ‚Ώγ‚€ SIMs for use as transit cards in Japan (note im not in Japan and this could only work with sims old enough to have the γŠγ‚΅γ‚€γƒ•γ‚±γƒΌγ‚Ώγ‚€ javacard applet embedded which I'm not sure if are still be being issued, newer γŠγ‚΅γ‚€γƒ•γ‚±γƒΌγ‚Ώγ‚€ phones use an embedded secure element)03:21:43
@defenestratedwizard:matrix.orgdefenestratedwizard* ok, i may also want to support nfcF and potentially raw iso14443-2 as they may be needed for certain card emulations/tricks. apparently nfcF doesn't use AIDs (apparently they use something called system codes), don't know how mifare emulation should be handled but that seems like a thing for after iso7816-4/iso14443-4 support and maybe even after nfcF03:31:46

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