
Element Web/Desktop

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https://element.io | Stable: v1.11.89 | Release status: RC expected Jan 7th | Code & bugs at https://github.com/vector-im/element-web | Release notes in #element-web-announcements:matrix.org | Give feedback on desktop/webapp here; Mobile app feedback at #element-android:matrix.org and #element-ios:matrix.org353 Servers

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20 Feb 2025
@exaltia:chat.exaltia.frExaltiaThank you :)08:33:23
@65nfvx57nh:matrix.orgchristof_matt joined the room.09:12:38
@benp:element.iobenp | back 2025-02-25 changed their display name from benp to benp | back 2025-02-25.09:17:31
@tom:lant.uktom [back 2025-02-24] changed their display name from tom to tom [back 2025-02-24].09:20:15
@philthecat:matrix.orgphilthecat joined the room.09:23:49
@dluigirafael12:matrix.orgRafael Duma joined the room.10:40:20
@rileymarsh:envs.netrileymarsh joined the room.11:33:02
@lucyemily12:matrix.org@lucyemily12:matrix.org joined the room.12:33:00
@mt:bau-ha.usmt joined the room.13:08:43
@allyd:matrix.orgallyd joined the room.15:17:33
@jsidev:matrix.orgjsidev joined the room.15:26:08
@yankiara:matrix.orgYanHi all, how is it possible that Element alters text when sending? I don't see the same message as the expeditor? What is happening here? Could it be linked to tha fact he is not verified any more?16:25:41
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@yankiara:matrix.orgYanAnd what I read :16:26:10
@enigma9o7:envs.netenigma9o7maybe different font?16:26:28
@enigma9o7:envs.netenigma9o7not being verified doesn't affect the content of your messages16:26:48
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@enigma9o7:envs.netenigma9o7just means you cant senn/recevice encrypted messages16:27:03
@yankiara:matrix.orgYanThis looks crazy, he typed something, but something else is showing on his side!16:27:19
@enigma9o7:envs.netenigma9o7as my french sucks, im not gunna personally compare those two, especially since they're not text so i cant run diff on them16:27:25
@yankiara:matrix.orgYanWords have been altered, even sentences!16:28:08
@yankiara:matrix.orgYanBut I, the receiver, see the correct message.16:28:25
@enigma9o7:envs.netenigma9o7are you using some type of auto trnaslator? maybe it did some dumb french-->french translation on your end that chagned it.16:28:40
@enigma9o7:envs.netenigma9o7So let me get this straight. Person a sends you a message. You receive it as they sent it. Is that right?16:29:07
@enigma9o7:envs.netenigma9o7Who is it that sees it differently, the person that sent it?16:29:18
@enigma9o7:envs.netenigma9o7after they send it it chagnes on their end?16:29:23
@florianduros:element.ioFlorian Duros 🦡Element is not translating16:29:27
@yankiara:matrix.orgYanYes I receive the correct message, but he sees a wrong message once it is sent.16:29:34
@enigma9o7:envs.netenigma9o7element doesnt do translation itself, but a web extension could16:29:42
@florianduros:element.ioFlorian Duros 🦡I suppose that a tool on the sender side has changed the message16:29:45

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