
Element Web/Desktop

2349 Members
https://element.io | Stable: v1.11.89 | Release status: RC expected Jan 7th | Code & bugs at https://github.com/vector-im/element-web | Release notes in #element-web-announcements:matrix.org | Give feedback on desktop/webapp here; Mobile app feedback at #element-android:matrix.org and #element-ios:matrix.org355 Servers

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20 Feb 2025
@daedric:aguiarvieira.ptRicardo DuarteIf anyone needs some further debug (chrome console or synapse logs etc) please ping me (i may only answer tomorrow)22:45:31
@rluks:matrix.orgrluks joined the room.23:41:46
@destinyg133:matrix.orgdestinyg133I had one stuck invite last week on my HS A friend created room, sent invite. Left room I declined invite but it was stuck until i cleared cache23:55:08
21 Feb 2025
@abigailgarland:nekso.netfé úr þurs ás reið kaun hagl nauðr íss ár sól týr bjǫrk maðr lǫgr ýr changed their display name from abigailgarland to Abigail Garland.00:13:31
@lordcanti:matrix.org@lordcanti:matrix.org removed their display name Confuzzled.01:02:30
@lordcanti:matrix.org@lordcanti:matrix.org 01:02:38
@eziosy:matrix.orgeziosy joined the room.03:17:47
@Croydon:matrix.orgCroydonIs there a way to create a room directly with version 11 instead of creating one and then instantly upgrading it? 03:40:43
@rolienado:matrix.orgjuli joined the room.03:57:50
@lili36:matrix.orgLili joined the room.04:37:08
@julious:matrix.orgjulious joined the room.04:44:20
@pantera88:matrix.orgpantera88 joined the room.08:12:42
@gawa:matrix.orgGaëlle changed their display name from Gaëlle 🤧🤒 to Gaëlle.08:27:28
@x:bit.ovhMichael (t3chguy)The API. Element doesn't specify a room version when creating so you're using the server's default version.09:27:16
@pantera88:matrix.orgpantera88 left the room.09:28:35
@morangoacido:matrix.orgJoão Freitas joined the room.09:59:08
@pierre:matrix.taz.dePierre left the room.09:59:42
@richvdh:sw1v.orgrichvdh Ricardo Duarte: could you open an issue at https://github.com/element-hq/synapse/issues? I can't promise it will get an immediate fix but at least if we have a central place to record our experience we can start working in the right direction 10:29:23
@richvdh:sw1v.orgrichvdh Doofus Canadensis 🇨🇦🧊: destinyg133 : same, really. Unless you're absolutely certain that your symptoms match another issue, it's often better to open a new issue and let the maintainers decide if it's a duplicate, than to assume it's the same thing and has the same solution 10:31:10
@richvdh:sw1v.orgrichvdh"I saw a stuck invite" last week isn't very helpful, but next time you see one, try and record the symptoms you see?10:31:40
@daedric:aguiarvieira.ptRicardo DuarteDone: https://github.com/element-hq/synapse/issues/1818210:49:31
@chrissi55:matrix.orgchrissi55 joined the room.11:25:08
@civilillo:matrix.organtonio santos joined the room.12:21:11
@abigailgarland:nekso.netfé úr þurs ás reið kaun hagl nauðr íss ár sól týr bjǫrk maðr lǫgr ýr changed their display name from Abigail Garland to fé úr þurs ás reið kaun hagl nauðr íss ár sól týr bjǫrk maðr lǫgr ýr.12:56:10
@ericrueda:matrix.orgEric Rueda joined the room.13:12:26
@xdamus:matrix.orgxdamus changed their profile picture.14:02:27
@xdamus:matrix.orgxdamus changed their profile picture.14:03:09
@abigailgarland:nekso.netfé úr þurs ás reið kaun hagl nauðr íss ár sól týr bjǫrk maðr lǫgr ýr left the room.16:25:31
@bindim:matrix.orgbindim joined the room.17:38:19
@abuse:matrix.orgAdministrator banned @lucyemily12:matrix.orglucyemily12 (spam DMs).17:39:50

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