
Libre Gaming Universe

164 Members
https://libregaming.org/ Discussion about libre games #libregaming-space:tchncs.de Please join subspaces to avoid https://github.com/vector-im/element-web/issues/1729346 Servers

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23 May 2024
@aquarist684:pleco.space@aquarist684:pleco.space joined the room.13:08:45
@aquarist684:pleco.space@aquarist684:pleco.space left the room.13:12:00
@myserverisdown:matrix.org@myserverisdown:matrix.org joined the room.13:12:20
@spongycake:matrix.org@spongycake:matrix.org joined the room.18:16:23
@matthew:fennell.dev@matthew:fennell.dev set a profile picture.19:21:19
@matthew:fennell.dev@matthew:fennell.dev removed their profile picture.19:22:15
27 May 2024
@myserverisdown:matrix.org@myserverisdown:matrix.org left the room.17:17:13
30 May 2024
@skyflare:conduit.rsSkyflare ⚡️ joined the room.20:57:16
31 May 2024
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1changed room power levels.05:37:27
6 Jun 2024
@user500:matrix.orgBobby joined the room.12:51:57
@user500:matrix.orgBobby set a profile picture.14:08:45
8 Jun 2024
@jazztache:matrix.orgJazztache changed their display name from Jazztache to Jazztache [Away Until 13Jun].09:51:28
11 Jun 2024
@jurgen_g:matrix.orgJurgen changed their profile picture.22:32:57
@jurgen_g:matrix.orgJurgen changed their profile picture.22:35:48
12 Jun 2024
@jazztache:matrix.orgJazztache changed their display name from Jazztache [Away Until 13Jun] to Jazztache.05:03:47
15 Jun 2024
@marcfp:matrix.orgMarcFP - SWL changed their display name from MarcFP to MarcFP interestes in Free software with BSD, MIT, GNU License like... (excuse my poor english skill).12:35:54
@ancientmariner:matrix.orgAncientMariner changed their display name from ancientmariner to AncientMariner.23:13:41
16 Jun 2024
@marcfp:matrix.orgMarcFP - SWL changed their display name from MarcFP interestes in Free software with BSD, MIT, GNU License like... (excuse my poor english skill) to MarcFP interestes in Free software with BSD, MIT, GNU License like... (excuse my poor english skill)n- SWL.07:43:26
17 Jun 2024
@marcfp:matrix.orgMarcFP - SWL changed their display name from MarcFP interestes in Free software with BSD, MIT, GNU License like... (excuse my poor english skill)n- SWL to MarcFP interestes in Free software - SWL.16:32:30
20 Jun 2024
@marcfp:matrix.orgMarcFP - SWL changed their display name from MarcFP interestes in Free software - SWL to MarcFP - SWL.18:49:59
24 Jun 2024
@spongycake:matrix.org@spongycake:matrix.org joined the room.23:21:57
@spongycake:matrix.org@spongycake:matrix.org joined the room.23:22:03
@spongycake:matrix.org@spongycake:matrix.org left the room.23:22:09
26 Jun 2024
@electro:envs.net@electro:envs.net left the room.09:58:46
@stabilergriller:matrix.orgthrowaway account joined the room.15:26:38
29 Jun 2024
@circuit:tchncs.deCircuit joined the room.05:05:09
@circuit:tchncs.deCircuit changed their display name from circuit to Circuit.05:06:35
4 Jul 2024
@orangemerin:matrix.ocamlot.xyzKiran (She/Her) changed their display name from Orange Merin to Kiran (She/Her).14:52:48
@orangemerin:matrix.ocamlot.xyzKiran (She/Her) changed their profile picture.14:53:08
23 Jul 2024
@gebbie:matrix.org@gebbie:matrix.org left the room.20:18:32

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