

21 Members
AxisPOS2 Servers

You have reached the beginning of time (for this room).

20 Jan 2021
@jkarpio:matrix.orgAxisSoft AxisPOS changed the history visibility to "world_readable" from "shared".03:06:51
21 Jan 2021
@telegram:t2bot.ioTelegram BridgeRedacted or Malformed Event17:56:28
@telegram:t2bot.ioTelegram BridgeRedacted or Malformed Event17:56:28
@telegram_1087968824:t2bot.ioGroup joined the room.17:57:26
@telegram_1087968824:t2bot.ioGroupRedacted or Malformed Event17:57:25
@telegram_1087968824:t2bot.ioGroupRedacted or Malformed Event17:57:25
@telegram:t2bot.ioTelegram Bridgeimage.jpeg
Download image.jpeg
@telegram:t2bot.ioTelegram Bridge Forwarded message from AxisPOS
Se un ganador, Ășnete a la familia de AxisPOS!!!
22 Jan 2021
@jkarpio:matrix.orgAxisSoft AxisPOS Redacted or Malformed Event05:56:35
@telegram:t2bot.ioTelegram Bridge

Unknown command. Try !tg help for help.

@jkarpio:matrix.orgAxisSoft AxisPOS Redacted or Malformed Event05:56:37
@telegram:t2bot.ioTelegram Bridge

This is a portal room: you must always prefix commands with !tg. Management commands will not be bridged.


cancel - Cancel an ongoing action.
version - Get the bridge version.
help - Show this help message.


ping - Check if you're logged into Telegram.
ping-bot - Get the info of the message relay Telegram bot.

Creating portals

bridge [id] - Bridge the current Matrix room to the Telegram chat with the given ID. The ID must be the prefixed version that you get with the /id command of the Telegram-side bot.

Portal management

config <help|subcommand> [...] - View or change per-portal settings.
delete-portal - Remove all users from the current portal room and forget the portal. Only works for group chats; to delete a private chat portal, simply leave the room.
unbridge - Remove puppets from the current portal room and forget the portal.


sync-state - Fetch Matrix room state to ensure the bridge has up-to-date info.
id - Get the ID of the Telegram chat where this room is bridged.
caption <caption> - Set a caption for the next image you send

@jkarpio:matrix.orgAxisSoft AxisPOS !tg sync-state05:57:26
@telegram:t2bot.ioTelegram Bridge

Synchronization complete

@jkarpio:matrix.orgAxisSoft AxisPOS Redacted or Malformed Event06:16:12
@telegram:t2bot.ioTelegram Bridge

This room is bridged to Telegram chat ID -1001414175575.

@telegram:t2bot.ioTelegram Bridgeimage.jpeg
Download image.jpeg
@telegram:t2bot.ioTelegram Bridgeimage.jpeg
Download image.jpeg

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