20 Oct 2023 |
| Dyno#3861 changed their display name from D-Astolfo to dyno. | 21:42:44 |
| Dyno#3861 changed their display name from dyno to W Mans. | 21:58:19 |
| Dyno#3861 changed their display name from W Mans to D-Astolfo. | 22:18:10 |
| Dyno#3861 changed their display name from D-Astolfo to Dyno#3861. | 22:28:19 |
| Dyno#3861 changed their display name from Dyno#3861 to Mee7. | 23:08:58 |
| Dyno#3861 changed their display name from Mee7 to <@353335055621554176> Dyno. | 23:24:48 |
| Dyno#3861 changed their display name from <@353335055621554176> Dyno to Animunculus. | 23:31:57 |
| Dyno#3861 changed their display name from Animunculus to <@353335055621554176> Dyno. | 23:37:38 |
21 Oct 2023 |
| Dyno#3861 changed their display name from <@353335055621554176> Dyno to 4551. | 00:31:30 |
| Dyno#3861 changed their display name from 4551 to Automoderator. | 00:45:37 |
| Dyno#3861 changed their display name from Automoderator to tiagarvai. | 01:21:13 |
| Dyno#3861 changed their display name from tiagarvai to D-Astolfo. | 01:39:29 |
| Dyno#3861 changed their display name from D-Astolfo to tiagarvai. | 01:52:26 |
| Dyno#3861 changed their display name from tiagarvai to Sheikh Dyno Bin Osama. | 02:07:12 |
| Dyno#3861 changed their display name from Sheikh Dyno Bin Osama to eCash Dyno. | 02:24:15 |
| Dyno#3861 changed their display name from eCash Dyno to Helper Bot. | 03:00:44 |
| Dyno#3861 changed their display name from Helper Bot to Prehistoric Fellow. | 03:16:19 |
| Dyno#3861 changed their display name from Prehistoric Fellow to D-Astolfo. | 03:50:16 |
| Dyno#3861 changed their display name from D-Astolfo to Dyno#3861. | 04:09:41 |
| Dyno#3861 changed their display name from Dyno#3861 to dyno. | 04:39:00 |
| Dyno#3861 changed their display name from dyno to Animunculus. | 05:08:19 |
| Dyno#3861 changed their display name from Animunculus to Dyno#3861. | 05:27:25 |
| Dyno#3861 changed their display name from Dyno#3861 to dyno. | 05:53:51 |
| Dyno#3861 changed their display name from dyno to Dynosore. | 06:07:04 |
| Dyno#3861 changed their display name from Dynosore to dyno. | 06:14:37 |
| Dyno#3861 changed their display name from dyno to Dyno#3861. | 06:30:19 |
| Dyno#3861 changed their display name from Dyno#3861 to Prehistoric Fellow. | 07:20:26 |
| Dyno#3861 changed their display name from Prehistoric Fellow to dyno. | 07:26:37 |
| Dyno#3861 changed their display name from dyno to YoDa. | 09:14:38 |
| Dyno#3861 changed their display name from YoDa to Sheikh Dyno Bin Osama. | 09:24:54 |