28 Mar 2022 |
| Chintan Vyas changed their profile picture. | 13:43:06 |
| Ann Gong joined the room. | 15:53:30 |
| Ann Gong changed their display name from _slack_tikv-wg_U038SHYD12A to Ann Gong. | 15:53:31 |
| Ann Gong changed their profile picture. | 15:53:31 |
29 Mar 2022 |
| JG L joined the room. | 06:19:11 |
| JG L changed their display name from _slack_tikv-wg_U0394TESKE0 to JG L. | 06:19:11 |
| JG L set a profile picture. | 06:19:12 |
| JG L changed their profile picture. | 06:19:13 |
| 9z0b3t1c joined the room. | 12:45:55 |
| 9z0b3t1c changed their display name from _slack_tikv-wg_U0394AYE0JE to 9z0b3t1c. | 12:45:56 |
| 9z0b3t1c changed their profile picture. | 12:45:57 |
| Colin Lee joined the room. | 12:53:03 |
| Colin Lee changed their display name from _slack_tikv-wg_U0391FJ6EPP to Colin Lee. | 12:53:04 |
| json Tom joined the room. | 14:45:01 |
| json Tom changed their display name from _slack_tikv-wg_U03955C39UJ to json Tom. | 14:45:02 |
| json Tom changed their profile picture. | 14:45:02 |
30 Mar 2022 |
| 于德志 joined the room. | 00:07:33 |
| 于德志 changed their display name from _slack_tikv-wg_U038THHRKD5 to 于德志. | 00:07:35 |
| 于德志 changed their profile picture. | 00:07:35 |
31 Mar 2022 |
| Alessandro Argentieri joined the room. | 15:49:24 |
| Alessandro Argentieri changed their display name from _slack_tikv-wg_U039JR457CJ to Alessandro Argentieri. | 15:49:25 |
| Alessandro Argentieri changed their profile picture. | 15:49:25 |
1 Apr 2022 |
| Yang Xin joined the room. | 05:28:38 |
| Yang Xin changed their display name from _slack_tikv-wg_U039N6VH8UT to Yang Xin. | 05:28:40 |
| Yang Xin changed their profile picture. | 05:28:40 |
2 Apr 2022 |
| Yu Ming joined the room. | 08:25:42 |
| Yu Ming set a profile picture. | 08:25:43 |
3 Apr 2022 |
| 吴凯 joined the room. | 08:47:37 |
| 吴凯 changed their display name from _slack_tikv-wg_U039V993QQK to 吴凯. | 08:47:37 |
| 吴凯 changed their profile picture. | 08:47:37 |