28 Apr 2022 |
| Wang Zihe set a profile picture. | 09:30:15 |
| Wang Zihe changed their profile picture. | 09:30:16 |
29 Apr 2022 |
| ZhangBicheng joined the room. | 12:34:49 |
| ZhangBicheng changed their display name from _slack_tikv-wg_U03DEBD0JS1 to ZhangBicheng. | 12:34:50 |
| ZhangBicheng changed their profile picture. | 12:34:50 |
1 May 2022 |
| @wybpip:matrix.org joined the room. | 16:26:06 |
| @wybpip:matrix.org left the room. | 16:26:08 |
2 May 2022 |
| ruby joined the room. | 05:56:00 |
| ruby changed their display name from _slack_tikv-wg_U03DPKZ517V to ruby. | 05:56:01 |
| ruby changed their profile picture. | 05:56:01 |
| @backseatbastard:matrix.org joined the room. | 22:01:30 |
| @backseatbastard:matrix.org left the room. | 22:21:46 |
5 May 2022 |
| Tisuama joined the room. | 11:18:09 |
| Tisuama changed their display name from _slack_tikv-wg_U03EKLRAZ9P to Tisuama. | 11:18:10 |
| jiaxin li joined the room. | 13:33:39 |
6 May 2022 |
| jiaxin li set a profile picture. | 09:09:40 |
| Marius Beck joined the room. | 14:23:49 |
| Marius Beck changed their display name from _slack_tikv-wg_U03EASZ8DAR to Marius Beck. | 14:23:49 |
| Marius Beck changed their profile picture. | 14:23:50 |
| Marius Beck changed their profile picture. | 14:23:50 |
7 May 2022 |
| peng wei joined the room. | 01:26:51 |
| peng wei changed their display name from _slack_tikv-wg_U03EDH8CHMK to peng wei. | 01:26:51 |
| CC joined the room. | 02:35:36 |
| CC changed their display name from _slack_tikv-wg_U03E9TA0EB0 to CC. | 02:35:37 |
| Zheng Jiayang joined the room. | 16:04:47 |
| Zheng Jiayang changed their display name from _slack_tikv-wg_U03EHB6MBV0 to Zheng Jiayang. | 16:04:47 |
| Zheng Jiayang changed their profile picture. | 16:04:48 |
8 May 2022 |
| Fanhui Meng joined the room. | 01:05:28 |
| Fanhui Meng changed their display name from _slack_tikv-wg_U03EHRZJKPU to Fanhui Meng. | 01:05:29 |
| John He joined the room. | 02:32:04 |