
Qubes-OS Discord Bridge V2

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9 Oct 2023
@_discord_285519042163245056:t2bot.iowillyjl https://tenor.com/view/pings-off-reply-pings-off-reply-ping-discord-reply-ping-gif-22087396 19:59:06
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy https://tenor.com/view/reply-ping-discord-thanos-gif-24654532 19:59:22
@_discord_285519042163245056:t2bot.iowillyjl lol 19:59:34
10 Oct 2023
@_discord_634103552750518283:t2bot.iotrap Would qubes be your first time on Linux? 05:11:00
@_discord_634103552750518283:t2bot.iotrap I've been on qubes for a couple of days 4.2 is way more intuitive then 4.1 05:11:53
11 Oct 2023
@_discord_956364149489807400:t2bot.iowriergiraffe first time on linux 03:14:10
@_discord_634103552750518283:t2bot.iotrap That's a real big learning curb I just started using qubes and it feels like a lot but the last distro I was using was gentoo I would say try to at least get comfortable with using the cmd line a Lil bit. If your going to doing more then doing something that's already provide by the base iso evrrythings going to be new to you. Depending on what your use case is something like having a tails iso in a usb would be easier 07:03:20
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy https://tenor.com/view/reply-ping-gif-22087362 08:18:39
@_discord_634103552750518283:t2bot.iotrap 👍🏽 08:46:00
@_discord_189894748356608002:t2bot.iobat changed their display name from babybat#0 to bat.18:52:37
12 Oct 2023
@_discord_256877315626106880:t2bot.iodillfred joined the room.20:01:35
@_discord_256877315626106880:t2bot.iodillfred If you end up not using qubes I'd recommend you use fedora. It's imo the best regular-user OS, it has great stability and great diversity of packages, it's well configured and maintained by good people. (and it's the template that the default Qubes use).

Wait until you have a computer with at least 32GB RAM before you get Qubes or be prepared for a somewhat slow and laggy experience. I am not entirely sure how much more difficult it is to go from windows to qubes compared to windows to linux.

I think the real difficulty comes if you're going to tinker with your OS a decent chunk (which imo is one of the perks of Linux). Tinkering with qubes adds one more layer of complexity where you sometimes need to pipe stuff from one qube to the next and hardware does not live in the application qubes so hardware scripting becomes more difficult.

If you're going to use it for non OS-tinkering I think using Qubes immediately is probably way more fine (assuming 32GB, not going to play video games or use any graphics card stuff).
@_discord_256877315626106880:t2bot.iodillfred This is not to say that tinkering with Qubes is any worse than tinkering with standard Linux, I'd say it's even more fun and powerful, but it's a bit more complex 20:01:37
@_discord_256877315626106880:t2bot.iodillfred also don't mind Clara being grumpy about the pings, you didn't know that she would be bothered by it and you did nothing wrong 🙂 20:02:15
@_discord_256877315626106880:t2bot.iodillfred and if you're looking for immediate security then use qubes obviously 20:03:31
13 Oct 2023
@_discord_956364149489807400:t2bot.iowriergiraffe in the future i would like to use as you said "assuming 32GB, not going to play video games or use any graphics card stuff" I dont know what graphics card stuff is so hu idk but i will play some games. i googled the question about the graphics card nothing came up that seemed right.

I heard something about red hat? and how fedora has opt out teleimrty? idk if its true but just asking.
@_discord_956364149489807400:t2bot.iowriergiraffe :D thank you! i probably should ping less, like rn 01:24:24
@_discord_256877315626106880:t2bot.iodillfred Cant play games with a lot of extra work on qubes. Do not bet on it especially if you are new to linux. If you wanna play games then go with regular linux. Graphics card stuff means basically machine learning, video editing and gaming. As for opt out telemetry I dont know about that, sounds sus but youll find that same shit with ubuntu, id use fedora and then opt out. For regular use ive found it to be the best (except qubes). Before then ive run various debian based distros and arch. 09:55:54
@_discord_256877315626106880:t2bot.iodillfred * Cant play games without a lot of extra work on qubes. Do not bet on it especially if you are new to linux. If you wanna play games then go with regular linux. Graphics card stuff means basically machine learning, video editing and gaming. As for opt out telemetry I dont know about that, sounds sus but youll find that same shit with ubuntu, id use fedora and then opt out. For regular use ive found it to be the best (except qubes). Before then ive run various debian based distros and arch. 09:56:10
@_discord_256877315626106880:t2bot.iodillfred Red hat is the company maintaining it, gives higher quality 09:57:05
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy "a lot of extra work" 20:39:30
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy its like 10 minutes of copy-pasting commands from a wiki 20:39:51
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy and then 3 years of suffering through windows installer 20:40:13
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy never had any anticheat issues 20:40:32
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy star citizen is also pretty tight with its eac config, and i had some chats with them about the why and how, but my qubes box doesnt trigger any of that bs 20:41:22
16 Oct 2023
Download IMG_20231017_004604.jpg
@_discord_720932570275250216:t2bot.ioquickmythril not too hard though, or he won't be able to remember the password at all. 22:47:24
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy fr 22:47:37
@_discord_633403126107340831:t2bot.iohawtp0tat0 changed their display name from hawtp0tat0 to hawtp0tat0#0.23:47:51
@_discord_633403126107340831:t2bot.iohawtp0tat0 changed their display name from hawtp0tat0#0 to hawtp0tat0.23:47:53

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