
Qubes-OS Discord Bridge V2

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16 Oct 2023
@_discord_633403126107340831:t2bot.iohawtp0tat0 Reminds me of the skit where the bank robbers break the tellers hands so he tells them the first half of the vault code (idk 1-2-3-4 or something) before the second half is revealed to be Beethoven's moonlight sonata. 23:47:56
@_discord_633403126107340831:t2bot.iohawtp0tat0 * Reminds me of the skit where the bank robbers break the tellers hands so he tells them the first half of the vault code (idk 1-2-3-4 or something) before the second half is revealed to be Beethoven's moonlight sonata as piano keys pop out. 23:49:15
17 Oct 2023
@_discord_634103552750518283:t2bot.iotrap Do you think the US has done this to any citizen 06:06:57
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy ping 06:07:04
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy probably 06:07:12
@_discord_634103552750518283:t2bot.iotrap Wonder what would make them risk that kind of pr 06:07:43
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy I mean... im on their nofly just bc I told em to "go eat sand"... america loves to over-react 06:07:47
@_discord_634103552750518283:t2bot.iotrap Who is them 06:08:00
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy a 3 letter agency 06:08:19
@_discord_634103552750518283:t2bot.iotrap Seems probably somebody in Guantanamo has been tortured for a password 06:09:04
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy few yrs back when i was still doing blackhat shit focussing on countries they hate as well. they emailed our group, signed with their publicly verifiable keys. asked for info in exchange for btc. we told em to do xmr or eat sand 06:09:16
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy they ate sand and once they found who we are... none of the old team are allowed entry 06:09:32
@_discord_634103552750518283:t2bot.iotrap Damn 06:09:54
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy oh well, not missing out on much 06:10:08
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy us is a shitshow 06:10:12
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy imo 06:10:13
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy fake country made by the rich to have some entertainment 06:10:29
@_discord_634103552750518283:t2bot.iotrap Idk I think I'm always going to want to be here 06:10:54
@_discord_634103552750518283:t2bot.iotrap I haven't traveled much yet tho 06:11:00
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy im 40% serious on that. theres certain events that make me believe in that "theory" more 06:11:04
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy but whatever 06:11:27
@_discord_634103552750518283:t2bot.iotrap Do you mind saying where ur from? 06:11:39
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy hell 06:12:52
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy my info is on steam, github and my website xD 06:13:05
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy 🇩🇪 06:13:10
19 Oct 2023
@_discord_594546280659943424:t2bot.ioarons14#7151 joined the room.17:41:17
@_discord_594546280659943424:t2bot.ioarons14#7151Redacted or Malformed Event17:41:17
@_discord_594546280659943424:t2bot.ioarons14#7151Redacted or Malformed Event17:42:38
21 Oct 2023
@_discord_470347264850657291:t2bot.iocattusboppus#0 changed their display name from Catbibi. to cattusboppus#0.01:42:43
23 Oct 2023
@_discord_720932570275250216:t2bot.ioquickmythril 15:31:21

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