
Qubes-OS Discord Bridge V2

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25 Oct 2023
@wrier:matrix.org@wrier:matrix.org left the room.00:21:47
30 Oct 2023
@_discord_956364149489807400:t2bot.iowriergiraffe hello! question, what happends if i need to back up something in the "vault" qube? 00:04:20
@_discord_720932570275250216:t2bot.ioquickmythril https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vD7lpQeU_Io 16:44:03
@_discord_720932570275250216:t2bot.ioquickmythril this mentions "the vault" and that "it can't be connected to usb devices easily" 16:44:17
@_discord_720932570275250216:t2bot.ioquickmythril which is not true really. 16:44:22
@_discord_720932570275250216:t2bot.ioquickmythril wriergiraffe - is that where you heard it? 16:44:29
@_discord_720932570275250216:t2bot.ioquickmythril you can set your qubes however you like. ones with internet, ones without, ones over vpn, ones over tor, etc. 16:44:50
@_discord_720932570275250216:t2bot.ioquickmythril same with usb kind of. if you have a non-usb keyboard, then you can have a usb qube setup that acts as a gate for any usb devices. you can choose which qube to connect those to. even the vault. idk where he got that idea that an offline qube would connect to usb differently than any others. 16:45:46
@_discord_720932570275250216:t2bot.ioquickmythril - honestly it makes me wonder how much Mental Outlaw really uses Qubes... 🤔 16:46:37
@_discord_720932570275250216:t2bot.ioquickmythril and also if he's in this discord, lol 16:47:44
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy he doesnt 16:47:55
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy 16:47:57
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy and he isnt 16:47:58
@_discord_720932570275250216:t2bot.ioquickmythril i guess most people just aren't as cool as us, but they like to name drop 🤣 16:53:10
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy lol 16:53:45
@_discord_720932570275250216:t2bot.ioquickmythril it was mostly basic stuff, but still helpful 18:02:30
@_discord_956364149489807400:t2bot.iowriergiraffe name drop? 18:02:34
@_discord_720932570275250216:t2bot.ioquickmythril oh i was joking about making references to Qubes but not knowing how it worked. it seems like he'd know that if he used it regularly, but i don't want to assume things. he's still cool though, he has chickens. 🙂 18:02:44
@_discord_376482605060587530:t2bot.io᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼ 😂 20:41:37
31 Oct 2023
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy anyone here good with re/decomp? someone is looking for folks 08:35:18
3 Nov 2023
@_discord_956364149489807400:t2bot.iowriergiraffe hello im back, lol. im like the only person who nags you guys in this discord. so tell me, is qubes adding any more qube os's? like idk mint. like i mean officaly supported ones. SECOUND question. can i use vms with qubes like normal? like open a debian qube and then run a vm in debian? 02:28:39
@_discord_720932570275250216:t2bot.ioquickmythril what kind of VM? 02:50:59
@_discord_720932570275250216:t2bot.ioquickmythril 02:51:03
@_discord_720932570275250216:t2bot.ioquickmythril you can run any OS as a standalone Qube. (which works like a VM would) 02:51:15
@_discord_720932570275250216:t2bot.ioquickmythril i haven't heard anything about new OS being added to the ones that are included. 02:51:39
@_discord_376482605060587530:t2bot.io᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼ 04:04:08
@_discord_376482605060587530:t2bot.io᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼ Have you tried the template manager? 04:04:08
4 Nov 2023
@_discord_720932570275250216:t2bot.ioquickmythril basically, you can make a blank qube, and boot from an OS image file, and run that installer to create a Qube for whatever OS you want. 19:01:44
@_discord_720932570275250216:t2bot.ioquickmythril in your Qubes Tools in the system menu, there is "Qubes Template Manager" 19:03:37
@_discord_720932570275250216:t2bot.ioquickmythril or in dom0 terminal, you can run: qvm-template-gui 19:04:15

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