
Qubes-OS Discord Bridge V2

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23 Nov 2023
@_discord_376482605060587530:t2bot.io᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼ 4.2 or 4.1? 17:26:36
@_discord_1156386673454743582:t2bot.ioflage_52521 can qubes be fullscreen? 19:59:47
@_discord_1156386673454743582:t2bot.ioflage_52521 my windows vm doesn't have the fullscreen button 20:00:01
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy it can 20:01:58
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy on kde u can right-click and fullscreen it 20:02:14
@_discord_1156386673454743582:t2bot.ioflage_52521 it is xfce 20:02:28
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy if you dont use kde you are a lost cause anyway idk how 20:02:41
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy fuck xfce lol 20:03:01
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy shit cant even handle my multi-monitor setup 20:03:14
@_discord_1156386673454743582:t2bot.ioflage_52521 how do i change it to kde? when i installed qubes it had xfce only in the gui to install 20:03:25
@_discord_1156386673454743582:t2bot.ioflage_52521 is it so bad? 20:03:42
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy just manually install it 20:03:58
@_discord_1156386673454743582:t2bot.ioflage_52521 * how do i change it to kde? when i installed qubes it had xfce only in the gui to install 20:04:16
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/kde/ 20:04:23
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy makes one wonder why theres an article dedicated to it 20:04:33
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy probably bc they know xfce sucks too 20:04:42
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy no idea why they switched to it 20:04:50
@_discord_1156386673454743582:t2bot.ioflage_52521 why isnt kde in the installation gui tho 20:04:59
@_discord_1156386673454743582:t2bot.ioflage_52521 i thought it was better too 20:05:10
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 20:05:24
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy 4.1 dev updates 20:06:32
24 Nov 2023
@_discord_1156386673454743582:t2bot.ioflage_52521 with kde i can only use fullscreen while the vm resolution is at 1920x1080 only 00:28:00
@_discord_1156386673454743582:t2bot.ioflage_52521 for other resolutions it is not available? 00:28:12
@_discord_1156386673454743582:t2bot.ioflage_52521 also I can't maximize the vm at any resolution 00:28:39
@_discord_376482605060587530:t2bot.io᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼ change resolution with in vm 01:10:55
@_discord_1156386673454743582:t2bot.ioflage_52521 i did change it in vm but the maximize button is not working and fullscreen only available at 1920x1080 01:17:01
@_discord_376482605060587530:t2bot.io᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼ try atl+f11 01:19:59
@_discord_1156386673454743582:t2bot.ioflage_52521 it doesn't work 02:08:06
@_discord_376482605060587530:t2bot.io᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼ also did you allow fullscreen in global config? 02:43:15
@_discord_489034866206310410:t2bot.ioRestream : QubesOS ,Vlang and Vinix Stuff :
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