
Qubes-OS Discord Bridge V2

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3 Dec 2023
@_discord_327799318134390784:t2bot.iorottenleade Tried to boot the system from a USB flash drive but it was not detected 01:23:38
@_discord_327799318134390784:t2bot.iorottenleade And then it's been repeated three or four times. 01:23:56
@_discord_376482605060587530:t2bot.io᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼ did you go into bios? 01:24:00
@_discord_327799318134390784:t2bot.iorottenleade Yes, I've switched to booting the system from a USB flash drive, but every time it doesn't respond and boots directly to the main system 01:25:03
@_discord_327799318134390784:t2bot.iorottenleade I was able to load the ISO directly on Windows 11, if the ISO file is corrupted it shouldn't open right? 01:27:36
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@_discord_376482605060587530:t2bot.io᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼ use balena etcher 01:53:35
@_discord_376482605060587530:t2bot.io᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼ to create iso 01:53:42
@_discord_376482605060587530:t2bot.io᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼ let me know 01:54:13
@_discord_327799318134390784:t2bot.iorottenleade I just use balena etcher flashing U disk 01:58:32
@_discord_327799318134390784:t2bot.iorottenleade Is possible system 's question 01:58:53
@_discord_327799318134390784:t2bot.iorottenleade I flashing Qubes 4.2.0 RC5 version ? 01:59:36
@_discord_327799318134390784:t2bot.iorottenleade * I flashing Qubes 4.2.0 RC5 version 01:59:55
@_discord_327799318134390784:t2bot.iorottenleade * Is possible system's question ? 02:00:16
@_discord_376482605060587530:t2bot.io᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼ k did it boot? thats what I am running 02:23:05
@_discord_376482605060587530:t2bot.io᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼ also try booting in legacy mode if UEFI is giving you issues more info here ——> https://github.com/xn0px90/awesome-qubes-os 02:25:30
@_discord_327799318134390784:t2bot.iorottenleade no 02:45:40
@_discord_327799318134390784:t2bot.iorottenleade Still open windows 11 02:45:51
@_discord_327799318134390784:t2bot.iorottenleade possible is Windows 11 's question ..... 03:38:19
@_discord_327799318134390784:t2bot.iorottenleade Rebooting Qubes after installing Qubes OS is stuck at the login screen. 10:13:34
@_discord_327799318134390784:t2bot.iorottenleade ᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼ I've got Qubes OS installed. 23:25:41
@_discord_327799318134390784:t2bot.iorottenleade I need to make sure of one thing, I installed it on my computer's hard drive and the files on the hard drive were all deleted when I finished installing it? 23:26:45
4 Dec 2023
@_discord_376482605060587530:t2bot.io᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼ Yes, i suppose if you followed any tutorials or selected drive for encryption 01:10:52
5 Dec 2023
@_discord_376482605060587530:t2bot.io᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼ ok 23:36:05
@_discord_327799318134390784:t2bot.iorottenleade ᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼ is not support USB external wireless card? 23:54:07
6 Dec 2023
@_discord_376482605060587530:t2bot.io᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼ it does... what usb card do you have? also you might need to install drivers in dom0 00:09:36
@_discord_327799318134390784:t2bot.iorottenleade ....I think Qubes need a repair tools to repair qubes' any question 03:51:30
@_discord_327799318134390784:t2bot.iorottenleade can't find network manager ? 03:54:59
@_discord_285519042163245056:t2bot.iowillyjl did you pass your wireless card to sys-net? 03:55:59
@_discord_376482605060587530:t2bot.io᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼ is sys-usb & sys-net runing? 03:59:32

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