
Qubes-OS Discord Bridge V2

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9 Dec 2023
@_discord_327799318134390784:t2bot.iorottenleade Do you know where is it ? 05:14:26
@_discord_376482605060587530:t2bot.ioxn0px90#2111 under settings you add applications 05:15:18
@_discord_327799318134390784:t2bot.iorottenleade * ᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼ I use sys-net terminal install cloudflare , but I can't found it in application list 05:16:12
@_discord_376482605060587530:t2bot.ioxn0px90#2111 use arrows 05:16:45
@_discord_327799318134390784:t2bot.iorottenleade what ? 05:20:06
@_discord_376482605060587530:t2bot.ioxn0px90#2111 streaming come to stream I will show you 05:38:36
@_discord_327799318134390784:t2bot.iorottenleade ok 05:41:13
@_discord_327799318134390784:t2bot.iorottenleade ᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼ Now I look you stream 05:42:34
@_discord_327799318134390784:t2bot.iorottenleade https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09CjBRcP2w0&t=191s 05:50:40
@_discord_327799318134390784:t2bot.iorottenleade ......How to set the theme 05:50:53
@_discord_327799318134390784:t2bot.iorottenleade Try to install software in Fedora Templates but no network ...... 08:21:38
11 Dec 2023
@_discord_309408702530846730:t2bot.iomatrix-t2bot joined the room.16:05:14
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy i got bored 18:04:20
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy [⠀](https://github.com/confiteor48/-/commit/a620dae84b26a12e23b462e51d20220596ed7b5a) 18:04:37
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy 18:04:40
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy read my docs 18:06:22
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy https://github.com/claracrazy/qubes-docs/blob/main/customization.md 18:06:42
@_discord_939406522742611979:t2bot.ioclaracrazy * https://github.com/claracrazy/qubes-docs/blob/main/customization/README.md 18:07:05
12 Dec 2023
@_discord_627474970947092481:t2bot.ionoahcanoa ⬆️pls 22:07:17
@_discord_376482605060587530:t2bot.ioxn0px90#2111 amd has better drivers for linux 22:29:40
@_discord_376482605060587530:t2bot.ioxn0px90#2111 * amd has better drivers for linux
13 Dec 2023
@_discord_1156386673454743582:t2bot.ioflage_52521 does qubes have feedback page for suggesting new features? 05:36:28
@_discord_376482605060587530:t2bot.ioxn0px90#2111 No but I got this —-> https://github.com/xn0px90/awesome-qubes-os 05:39:46
@_discord_1156386673454743582:t2bot.ioflage_52521 i looked at it but i can't find anything about power management. xenpm doesn't seem to work properly at all and i feel like the power management in qubesos is bad compared to other os 05:42:11
@_discord_1156386673454743582:t2bot.ioflage_52521 * i looked at it but i can't find anything about power management. xenpm doesn't seem to work properly at all and i feel like the power management in qubesos is bad compared to other OS 05:42:21
@_discord_376482605060587530:t2bot.ioxn0px90#2111 Qubes is is one big hack stuck together with Duckape but it's our only option at the moment. I am working on an Is in clang called vinix and posting seL4 so it runs anywhere using qubesOS paradigm but better 05:57:24
@_discord_376482605060587530:t2bot.ioxn0px90#2111 I have like 3 prototypes but xen is my mayor issue 05:57:57
@_discord_1156386673454743582:t2bot.ioflage_52521 what is ls? 06:04:38
@_discord_1156386673454743582:t2bot.ioflage_52521 it is kinda sad that it is out only option at the moment 06:05:58
@_discord_1156386673454743582:t2bot.ioflage_52521 even xen without qubes had power management issues 06:06:33

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