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18 Jun 2019
@gitter_serceman:matrix.orgSergey Tselovalnikov (Gitter) changed their profile picture.04:34:01
10 Jul 2019
@gitterbot:matrix.orgGitter Integration (legacy) invited @gitter_cawendish:matrix.orgcawendish (Gitter).08:58:15
@gitter_cawendish:matrix.orgcawendish (Gitter) joined the room.08:58:16
@gitter_cawendish:matrix.orgcawendish (Gitter)Добрый день! Подскажите какой-нибудь блог, вебблог или форум, где Java (Spring) разработчики хотя бы кратко рассказывают про свои проекты, про свои трудности и как они их преодолели.08:58:18
3 Sep 2019
@gitter_andreyrmg:matrix.orgAndrey (Gitter) left the room.14:33:41
1 Nov 2019
@gitter_artjomka:matrix.orgArtjom Kalita (Gitter) left the room.07:56:05
19 Nov 2019
@gitterbot:matrix.orgGitter Integration (legacy) invited @gitter_hasanraza90_twitter:matrix.orgSyed Hasan Raza (Gitter).07:00:39
@gitter_hasanraza90_twitter:matrix.orgSyed Hasan Raza (Gitter) joined the room.07:00:50
@gitter_hasanraza90_twitter:matrix.orgSyed Hasan Raza (Gitter) Here's a detailed comparative discussion about 15 best free database software including MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Knack, more at: https://www.goodcore.co.uk/blog/best-free-database-software/ 07:00:58
@gitter_hasanraza90_twitter:matrix.orgSyed Hasan Raza (Gitter) (edited) Here's a detailed comparative discussion about 15 best free database software including MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Knack, more at: https://www.goodcore.co.uk/blog/best-free-database-software/ => Вот подробное сравнительное обсуждение 15 лучших бесплатных программ для работы с базами данных, включая MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Knack, и другие: https://www.goodcore.co.uk/blog/best-free-database-software/ 07:02:33
20 Jan 2020
@gitterbot:matrix.orgGitter Integration (legacy) invited @gitter_aishatabassum21_twitter:matrix.orgAisha Tabassum (Gitter).06:52:26
@gitter_aishatabassum21_twitter:matrix.orgAisha Tabassum (Gitter) joined the room.06:52:27
@gitter_aishatabassum21_twitter:matrix.orgAisha Tabassum (Gitter) For its planned adaptability, Magneto is used by many individuals of the world's largest brands. Adweb Studio are the main office who furnishes a wide range of Web Design Services with full access to our group. All our staff is having privately experienced and working with us for the most recent 5 years, and all are proficient, genuine, and dependable visit for more updates here: https://www.adwebstudio.com/ 06:52:28
6 Mar 2020
@gitterbot:matrix.orgGitter Integration (legacy) invited @gitter_teleworm1337x:matrix.orgteleworm1337x (Gitter).04:49:09
@gitter_teleworm1337x:matrix.orgteleworm1337x (Gitter) joined the room.04:49:09
@gitter_teleworm1337x:matrix.orgteleworm1337x (Gitter) How important are the relatively heavily exploited hardware vulnerabilities when we have npm. https://get-shareit.com
18 Mar 2020
@gitterbot:matrix.orgGitter Integration (legacy) invited @gitter_lucystevens385:matrix.orglucystevens385 (Gitter).14:14:33
@gitter_lucystevens385:matrix.orglucystevens385 (Gitter) joined the room.14:15:11
@gitter_lucystevens385:matrix.orglucystevens385 (Gitter) In almost. Spartan effect would generate a few personalities as it lies Read more: https://wikicontributors.net/ 14:15:35
20 Apr 2020
@gitterbot:matrix.orgGitter Integration (legacy) invited @gitter_apkmodsbest_twitter:matrix.orgApk Mods Best (Gitter).19:31:38
@gitter_apkmodsbest_twitter:matrix.orgApk Mods Best (Gitter) joined the room.19:31:40
@gitter_apkmodsbest_twitter:matrix.orgApk Mods Best (Gitter) All our staff is having privately experienced and working with us for the most recent 5 years, and all are proficient, genuine, and dependable visit for more updates here https://apkmodszone.com/mini-militia-mod-apk/
28 Apr 2020
@gitterbot:matrix.orgGitter Integration (legacy) invited @gitter_isatimur:matrix.orgTimur Isachenko (Gitter).04:38:37
@gitter_isatimur:matrix.orgTimur Isachenko (Gitter) joined the room.04:38:38
@gitter_isatimur:matrix.orgTimur Isachenko (Gitter)вот как интересно, тут чат умер)04:38:39
@gitter_maccimo:matrix.orgMaxim Degtyarev (Gitter)Да и подкаст не сказать чтобы очень живой был последний год.07:38:41
4 May 2020
@gitterbot:matrix.orgGitter Integration (legacy) invited @gitter_tricksgeek:matrix.orgTricksGeek (Gitter).16:16:02
@gitter_tricksgeek:matrix.orgTricksGeek (Gitter) joined the room.16:16:03
@gitter_tricksgeek:matrix.orgTricksGeek (Gitter) Have you ever experienced the developing this type of multiplayer code thorugh the data base using ? as all of the hardware combined together then i did configure it through the external of sources bt not able to get it - https://tricksgeek.com/mini-militia-mod-apk/ 16:16:05
12 May 2020
@gitterbot:matrix.orgGitter Integration (legacy) invited @gitter_poshiyafaib:matrix.orgposhiyafaib (Gitter).15:58:40

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