
Tech and Linux

157 Members
A chat for tech people to geek out over tech2 Servers

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12 Sep 2023
@_discord_181505328918036480:t2bot.iokellegram#0 changed their display name from Kellegram#2233 to kellegram#0.16:55:25
13 Sep 2023
@_discord_848382340937023528:t2bot.iotheevilskeleton#0 changed their profile picture.14:55:17
18 Sep 2023
@_discord_466533081327861770:t2bot.io.{ .akira = 0xfc }; changed their profile picture.14:50:06
22 Sep 2023
@_discord_467627785016311829:t2bot.ioVirat Hindu Balzaen changed their profile picture.20:52:01
@_discord_280739020223414272:t2bot.iojoseph1337_ changed their profile picture.21:51:23
23 Sep 2023
@_discord_848382340937023528:t2bot.iotheevilskeleton#0 changed their profile picture.12:05:35
24 Sep 2023
@_discord_321044903029374976:t2bot.ioichbluu#0 changed their profile picture.00:44:19
@_discord_770344920510103573:t2bot.ionekomimiofficial#0 changed their profile picture.17:15:54
28 Sep 2023
@_discord_321044903029374976:t2bot.ioichbluu#0 changed their profile picture.15:59:53
2 Oct 2023
@temp4096:matrix.org@temp4096:matrix.org joined the room.02:56:39
3 Oct 2023
@temp4096:matrix.org@temp4096:matrix.org left the room.09:15:26
10 Oct 2023
@_discord_391965573531041802:t2bot.io418 am teapot#1496 changed their profile picture.12:56:12
11 Oct 2023
@_discord_467627785016311829:t2bot.ioVirat Hindu Balzaen changed their display name from turing.tested#0 to Virat Hindu Balzaen.07:33:41
@_discord_498984473539379232:t2bot.iofatigue tak changed their display name from anarchotak#0 to recursion overseeyer.17:44:29
@_discord_467627785016311829:t2bot.ioVirat Hindu Balzaen changed their display name from Virat Hindu Balzaen to Phineas.17:55:56
@_discord_391965573531041802:t2bot.io418 am teapot#1496 changed their display name from curlpipe#0 to 418 am teapot#1496.18:46:31
@_discord_280739020223414272:t2bot.iojoseph1337_ changed their display name from joseph1337_#0 to uncle mudryk.21:10:12
12 Oct 2023
@_discord_467627785016311829:t2bot.ioVirat Hindu Balzaen changed their display name from Phineas to Virat Hindu Balzaen.09:48:55
@_discord_467627785016311829:t2bot.ioVirat Hindu Balzaen changed their display name from Virat Hindu Balzaen to Phineas.10:13:23
@_discord_467627785016311829:t2bot.ioVirat Hindu Balzaen changed their display name from Phineas to Virat Hindu Balzaen.10:36:36
@_discord_467627785016311829:t2bot.ioVirat Hindu Balzaen changed their display name from Virat Hindu Balzaen to Phineas.12:19:50
13 Oct 2023
@_discord_467627785016311829:t2bot.ioVirat Hindu Balzaen changed their display name from Phineas to Virat Hindu Balzaen.07:01:20
@_discord_467627785016311829:t2bot.ioVirat Hindu Balzaen changed their display name from Virat Hindu Balzaen to Phineas.07:17:44
@_discord_467627785016311829:t2bot.ioVirat Hindu Balzaen changed their display name from Phineas to Virat Hindu Balzaen.08:33:56
@_discord_467627785016311829:t2bot.ioVirat Hindu Balzaen changed their display name from Virat Hindu Balzaen to Phineas.08:36:48
@_discord_467627785016311829:t2bot.ioVirat Hindu Balzaen changed their display name from Phineas to Virat Hindu Balzaen.12:35:00
@_discord_467627785016311829:t2bot.ioVirat Hindu Balzaen changed their display name from Virat Hindu Balzaen to Delegate of Western Sahara.13:23:27
@_discord_467627785016311829:t2bot.ioVirat Hindu Balzaen changed their display name from Delegate of Western Sahara to Virat Hindu Balzaen.13:41:08
@_discord_467627785016311829:t2bot.ioVirat Hindu Balzaen changed their display name from Virat Hindu Balzaen to Crime Master Gogo.15:37:15
@_discord_467627785016311829:t2bot.ioVirat Hindu Balzaen changed their display name from Crime Master Gogo to Virat Hindu Balzaen.15:40:16

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