21 Oct 2023 |
| NGIMP.service changed their display name from NGIMP.service to NotSoBot (Taylor's Version). | 08:59:17 |
| Dyno changed their display name from dyno to YoDa. | 09:17:35 |
| NGIMP.service changed their display name from NotSoBot (Taylor's Version) to NotSoOnlineBot. | 09:28:01 |
| Dyno changed their display name from YoDa to Sheikh Dyno Bin Osama. | 09:29:24 |
| Dyno changed their display name from Sheikh Dyno Bin Osama to Dino. | 10:03:20 |
| Tatsu#8792 changed their display name from Tatsu#8792 to Hatsu. | 10:31:27 |
| Dyno changed their display name from Dino to dyno. | 10:40:58 |
| Tatsu#8792 changed their display name from Hatsu to (t!)LycosBot. | 10:55:18 |
| Dyno changed their display name from dyno to Dyno#3861. | 11:01:21 |
| Dyno changed their display name from Dyno#3861 to eCash Dyno. | 11:33:13 |
| Dyno changed their display name from eCash Dyno to dyno. | 12:11:10 |
| NGIMP.service changed their display name from NotSoOnlineBot to NSB. | 12:11:26 |
| Tatsu#8792 changed their display name from (t!)LycosBot to Hatsu. | 12:13:12 |
| Dyno changed their display name from dyno to Dyno#3861. | 13:06:44 |
| Tatsu#8792 changed their display name from Hatsu to Tatsu#8792. | 13:07:26 |
| Dyno changed their display name from Dyno#3861 to W Mans. | 13:20:06 |
| NGIMP.service changed their display name from NSB to shitty bot. | 13:37:12 |
| Dyno changed their display name from W Mans to Dyno#3861. | 13:40:34 |
| NGIMP.service changed their display name from shitty bot to NotSoBot (Taylor's Version). | 13:46:33 |
| Dyno changed their display name from Dyno#3861 to Mee7. | 19:10:39 |
| NGIMP.service changed their display name from NotSoBot (Taylor's Version) to NotSo者. | 19:14:29 |
| Tatsu#8792 changed their display name from Tatsu#8792 to McTatsumaki. | 19:15:29 |
| Dyno changed their display name from Mee7 to YoDa. | 19:27:33 |
| NGIMP.service changed their display name from NotSo者 to NGIMP.service. | 20:10:29 |
| Dyno changed their display name from YoDa to eCash Dyno. | 20:13:39 |
| Dyno changed their display name from eCash Dyno to YoDa. | 20:22:48 |
| Dyno changed their display name from YoDa to dyno. | 20:30:47 |
| Dyno changed their display name from dyno to YoDa. | 20:33:20 |
| Dyno changed their display name from YoDa to Dyno. | 20:58:04 |
| system.64 changed their display name from System64 [broke my 3ds] to system.64. | 21:01:03 |