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8 Jun 2017
@gitter_atfornes:matrix.org@gitter_atfornes:matrix.org @krshubham, go ahead with the approach you are sharing :) 15:20:00
@gitter_llopv:matrix.org@gitter_llopv:matrix.org yes @krshubham, i thing it is the good way to go 19:26:35
12 Jun 2017
@gitter_krshubham:matrix.org@gitter_krshubham:matrix.org 14:12:19
@gitter_krshubham:matrix.org@gitter_krshubham:matrix.org This is the error which I keep on getting when I run npm test. It says Angular could not be found on the page http://localhost:9001/session/register. It will be helpful if somebody could explain this! 14:13:31
@gitter_atfornes:matrix.org@gitter_atfornes:matrix.org @krshubham, I do not receive this error, have you changed something in the source that can affect this? 14:39:45
@llopv:matrix.orgllopv Maybe the dependencies are in a wrong version? Try npm install to see if that's the problem. Also tests require Java 8. 14:42:44
@gitter_krshubham:matrix.org@gitter_krshubham:matrix.org @atfornes , no I havent made any changes to source files since the last time I made a PR for the gulp process issue 14:44:10
@llopv:matrix.orgllopv Note I'm not being very detailed here, if the problem persists I can check it better. 14:44:32
13 Jun 2017
@gitter_krshubham:matrix.org@gitter_krshubham:matrix.orgIn this Travis build we had a different error than last time. Although it still says that swellrt 0.57.11-alpha not found! Also it quits with the error saying, SwellRT is not defined17:03:49
14 Jun 2017
@gitter_krshubham:matrix.org@gitter_krshubham:matrix.org @llopv , why would it say that SwellRT is not defined? 12:39:54
@gitter_llopv:matrix.org@gitter_llopv:matrix.org @krshubham probably because it is not downloaded (404 error in network tab of Dev console). Can u check you have swellrt running by visiting http://localhost:9898? 13:02:39
@gitter_krshubham:matrix.org@gitter_krshubham:matrix.org @llopv its happening on travis and not on my machine 15:02:43
@gitter_krshubham:matrix.org@gitter_krshubham:matrix.org http://travis-ci.org/Grasia/teem 15:02:54
@gitter_krshubham:matrix.org@gitter_krshubham:matrix.orgTake a look on the above link15:02:58
@gitter_krshubham:matrix.org@gitter_krshubham:matrix.orgIt shows an error that Swellrt is not defined15:03:23
@gitter_krshubham:matrix.org@gitter_krshubham:matrix.orgOn line 148215:03:53
@gitter_llopv:matrix.org@gitter_llopv:matrix.org sorry @krshubham, i don't know why it is failing. Maybe @atfornes has a hint :smile: 15:14:21
@gitter_krshubham:matrix.org@gitter_krshubham:matrix.org We hacked together yesterday, and we changed a version issue in angular-messages. Grasia/teem@e3097ef 15:15:18
@gitter_krshubham:matrix.org@gitter_krshubham:matrix.orgAfter this we ran test15:15:28
@gitter_krshubham:matrix.org@gitter_krshubham:matrix.organd saw Travis saying SwellRT not defined15:15:34
@gitter_krshubham:matrix.org@gitter_krshubham:matrix.org Idk , why this is happening on Travis, because on our machines this doesn't happen 15:15:55
15 Jun 2017
@gitter_atfornes:matrix.org@gitter_atfornes:matrix.org Hi @all, @pablojan, @atd,
I had the time to check how docker builds are done. The issue was that the develop tag did not have the .travis file with the docker push instructions. Therefore I copied the update .travis.yml and .travis folder to the development branch and create a new tag, that hopefully will be deployed at docker hub.
22 Jun 2017
@gitter_krshubham:matrix.org@gitter_krshubham:matrix.org I was just playing around with my GSoC project and found that the change link option for link annotations doesn't work! Am I the only one facing this? Steps to reproduce :
  • Go to app.teem.work
  • Make a new link in the pad
  • Click on the link
  • Click on Change
  • Click on Ok with changed URL, and now it shows error in the console
@gitter_atfornes:matrix.org@gitter_atfornes:matrix.org Hi @krshubham, please open an issue in our github so we can fix the error if it is something that happens in Teem. 14:11:08
@gitter_krshubham:matrix.org@gitter_krshubham:matrix.org 14:44:02
@gitter_krshubham:matrix.org@gitter_krshubham:matrix.orgOne goal of my GSoC proposal was to make popovers for link previews! Here it is14:45:10
24 Jun 2017
@llopv:matrix.orgllopv That's cool Kumar Shubham (Gitter) ! 20:39:06
26 Jun 2017
@gitter_atfornes:matrix.org@gitter_atfornes:matrix.org @krshubham, please let us know what are you learning from your tests stability checks: Grasia/teem#379 10:02:08
@gitter_krshubham:matrix.org@gitter_krshubham:matrix.org @atfornes I am checking why my builds are failing 10:49:45

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