
Manjaro Linux Community Space

669 Members
83 Servers

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6 Jul 2024
@kettapetta:matrix.orgkettapetta joined the room.10:29:29
@m.hrstv:matrix.orgMilen Hristov (Libre 夢) joined the room.17:14:25
7 Jul 2024
@minhduc_bui1:envs.netdmb set a profile picture.17:07:07
@minhduc_bui1:envs.netdmb changed their profile picture.17:08:44
@minhduc_bui1:envs.netdmb changed their display name from dmb to Duc Bui Minh.17:11:38
@minhduc_bui1:envs.netdmb changed their display name from Duc Bui Minh to dmb.17:11:47
8 Jul 2024
@knpn2j2y44:matrix.orgknpn2j2y44 joined the room.20:17:28
@bittin-guest:matrix.debian.social@bittin-guest:matrix.debian.social left the room.23:00:31
@snowrooster:matrix.org@snowrooster:matrix.org joined the room.23:04:39
@snowrooster:matrix.org@snowrooster:matrix.org left the room.23:05:15
9 Jul 2024
@neffscape:matrix.orgNeffscape joined the room.14:49:39
11 Jul 2024
@xikufran:envs.netxikufran joined the room.21:26:54
13 Jul 2024
@herfen:matrix.orgW3#7&(:? joined the room.21:11:22
14 Jul 2024
@herfen:matrix.orgW3#7&(:? changed their profile picture.01:32:44
15 Jul 2024
@strawmelonjuice:matrix.org@strawmelonjuice:matrix.org left the room.09:54:58
@strawmelonjuice:mozilla.orgMar joined the room.23:28:46
16 Jul 2024
@batolocopepix:matrix.org@batolocopepix:matrix.org joined the room.02:21:54
@batolocopepix:matrix.org@batolocopepix:matrix.org left the room.02:22:53
@markus1966:matrix.orgmarkus1966 joined the room.06:59:19
@finder1001:matrix.org@finder1001:matrix.org left the room.18:36:57
@herfen:matrix.orgW3#7&(:? changed their display name from herfen to W3#7&(:?.19:09:43
@herfen:matrix.orgW3#7&(:? changed their profile picture.19:11:01
19 Jul 2024
@screen:tedomum.netscreen joined the room.21:59:52
20 Jul 2024
@voldel:matrix.orgvoldel joined the room.12:07:20
22 Jul 2024
@problem6852:matrix.org@problem6852:matrix.org left the room.00:16:21
@psychicrhino1:matrix.org@psychicrhino1:matrix.org joined the room.05:41:46
@psychicrhino1:matrix.org@psychicrhino1:matrix.org left the room.05:42:20
23 Jul 2024
@rajsuresh:matrix.orgrajsuresh joined the room.04:06:20
24 Jul 2024
@maikho:matrix.org@maikho:matrix.org left the room.07:21:04
26 Jul 2024
@macia:matrix.orgmacia joined the room.14:37:22

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