28 Oct 2023 |
| Gren joined the room. | 20:57:49 |
| Gren | 21:04:22 |
| Gren | 21:05:54 |
| Gren changed their display name from quietgrenja to Gren. | 21:06:18 |
| nadjieto joined the room. | 21:08:23 |
| josh05575 joined the room. | 21:20:25 |
29 Oct 2023 |
| zombi3zz joined the room. | 17:14:04 |
| wszechmistrzyni joined the room. | 20:34:37 |
| wilson_fan_1997 joined the room. | 23:43:15 |
30 Oct 2023 |
| Gren changed their profile picture. | 03:00:41 |
| finntastic._. joined the room. | 03:39:17 |
| finntastic._. | 03:45:20 |
| sewer_rat2523 joined the room. | 04:00:04 |
| sewer_rat2523 | 04:06:35 |
| π£πΊπππ πΌ changed their display name from π£πΊπππ πΌ to Daisy πΌ. | 05:11:40 |
| elsethsko joined the room. | 13:59:02 |
| restless.entity joined the room. | 21:30:20 |
| restless.entity | 22:17:59 |
31 Oct 2023 |
| ojuelegba changed their display name from ojuelegba to Zuna. | 01:50:34 |
| anonymousaccount joined the room. | 02:11:31 |
| anonymousaccount | 02:16:21 |
| justalex | 02:26:28 |
| .straykid | 03:01:38 |
| purple_void_42 joined the room. | 14:47:21 |
| frimus54793 | 21:21:03 |
| cloudysan changed their display name from cloudysan to katunaru. | 23:30:31 |
| cloudysan changed their display name from katunaru to cloudysan. | 23:35:22 |
1 Nov 2023 |
| pieplup changed their profile picture. | 05:20:47 |
| luxogennn joined the room. | 20:01:16 |
3 Nov 2023 |
| mewziia | 02:23:04 |