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11 Mar 2023
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org FWIW gut microbe is the hot topic currently in nutrition and all kinds of health-related things. A healthy gut means a lot and ultra-processed foods (especially white wheat and sugar) can be problematic. 09:58:58
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org They actually are considering giving poop transplants to people who have problems with being overweight or depression, so forth. 09:59:20
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org A diabetes treatment too they are researching IIRC. 09:59:34
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org Sorry if it went a bit off-topic from your original question, but I like being thorough :) 10:00:04
@scammer101:envs.net@scammer101:envs.netI will look into gut health too. Currently I'm eating fermented nuts isn't that enough.10:00:24
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org I think someone has said fermented foods aught to be good for you, I have no idea :) 10:01:12
In reply to @doopledi:matrix.org
Sorry if it went a bit off-topic from your original question, but I like being thorough :)
Np, I'm always looking for extra knowledge. now i realized how important is gut health.
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org Yeah well especially for those people who are trying to remain budget-conscious... It's easy to get cheap calory heavy foods (that are high in fast sugars, like wheat and sugar as mentioned). But it can lead to other problems, including the microbe thing... 10:02:26
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org I try to steer clear, just a treat now and then. 10:02:49
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org High clucemic index > fast sugars > diabetes... 10:03:31
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org * High glucemic index > fast sugars > diabetes... 10:03:38
@scammer101:envs.net@scammer101:envs.netWhich brings me to other question is high gi bad even if i don't have diabetes. I mean does more insulin release cause problems10:04:13
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org Depends... On whether you burn those calories for example 10:04:35
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org But quick changes in blood sugar can lead to problems short and long term 10:04:47
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org Quick increases in blood sugar can affect mood, increase appetite (because they are burned away quickly), put some strain on the liver. 10:05:55
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org Whole grain is considered good. Oats are considered good. 10:06:16
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org Keeps you going for longer. 10:06:20
In reply to @doopledi:matrix.org
Whole grain is considered good. Oats are considered good.
I'm avoiding high gi foods as much as i can. But doesn't oats contain Anti-nutrients.
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org First time I've heard it. 10:07:34
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org I mean it's not that Oats Would Be Everything, but full grain oatmeal with berries... Sometimes it's good for the tummy. 10:08:36
In reply to @doopledi:matrix.org
I mean it's not that Oats Would Be Everything, but full grain oatmeal with berries... Sometimes it's good for the tummy.
These things are not available where i live. Do you have any other recommendations?
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org Generic recommendations... I try to keep them light :) 10:10:13
@scammer101:envs.net@scammer101:envs.netRedacted or Malformed Event10:11:34
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org Have you looked at the UN planetary diet guidelines? 10:15:32
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org I mean... For some people it's tricky ofc if you don't get enough money to buy enough food, it might not help, but I find it pretty interesting nevertheless. 10:16:10
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org One part is that... Getting proteins from plant food is sth like 20 times more _agriculture efficient_ (all kinds of economic mechanisms aside). But you need to eat a varied diet to get all the _proper kinds of proteins_. 10:17:12
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org So in other words, meat is pretty "efficient" in having a balanced amino acid composition for humans, but you don't need too much of it really (most people in the West especially eat way too much meat for their own good). 10:18:00
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org Meat = heart problems, arteries/cirulation, overweight (since there's a limit how much protein you can actually utilize per kg). 10:18:47

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