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11 Mar 2023
In reply to @doopledi:matrix.org
Have you looked at the UN planetary diet guidelines?

I have looked now this looks like my current diet.

(most people in the West especially eat way too much meat for their own good).

but not where i live, i don't think so this diet would be suitable for me.

@doopledi:matrix.orgdoopledi I was pretty lean when I was younger. It bugged me. 10:20:12
In reply to @doopledi:matrix.org
I was pretty lean when I was younger. It bugged me.
I'm in same problem how did you fixed it
In reply to @scammer101:envs.net

I have looked now this looks like my current diet.

(most people in the West especially eat way too much meat for their own good).

but not where i live, i don't think so this diet would be suitable for me.

There are also restrictions on dairy. Dairy is main source of nutrients for me, I can't give it up
@doopledi:matrix.orgdoopledi I grew old and fat 10:23:37
@doopledi:matrix.orgdoopledi I mean, the metabolism slows down after the growth spurt 10:23:52
@doopledi:matrix.orgdoopledi Also.... I started to eat healthier and on a regular basis 10:24:07
@doopledi:matrix.orgdoopledi Way too geeky when I was younger, not paying attention to all that 10:24:21
@doopledi:matrix.orgdoopledi Restrictions on dairy? 10:24:55
@scammer101:envs.netscammer101To achieve this, it has defined heavy restrictions on the consumption of meat, dairy, and starchy vegetables, specifically red meat10:26:32
@doopledi:matrix.orgdoopledi It? 10:26:52
@doopledi:matrix.orgdoopledi Ah... 10:27:09
@doopledi:matrix.orgdoopledi Well = restrictions as in limiting the intake to a healthy level 10:27:30
In reply to @scammer101:envs.net
To achieve this, it has defined heavy restrictions on the consumption of meat, dairy, and starchy vegetables, specifically red meat
This is from Wikipedia
@doopledi:matrix.orgdoopledi Dairy in great doses... Can potentially be an issue 10:27:53
@doopledi:matrix.orgdoopledi Keeping in mind that... Sth like 50% of the world population is overweight so forth 10:28:07
@doopledi:matrix.orgdoopledi Call that industrial foods 10:28:22
In reply to @doopledi:matrix.org
Dairy in great doses... Can potentially be an issue
Sure but it's still better then dying from malnutrition.
@doopledi:matrix.orgdoopledi Scary times. Might be potentially another hot and arid summer ahead. 10:29:36
@doopledi:matrix.orgdoopledi So... That UN guideline is just a generic guideline 10:29:54
@doopledi:matrix.orgdoopledi So that people would eat healthier and there would be enough for everyone 10:30:08
@doopledi:matrix.orgdoopledi Surprisingly, both could be achieved 10:30:15
@scammer101:envs.netscammer101Still looks better than "western diet"10:30:41
@doopledi:matrix.orgdoopledi Western Diet = Coca Cola with Corn Syrup + Wheat Buns With Dead Animals in Between 10:31:13
@doopledi:matrix.orgdoopledi * Western Diet = Coca Cola with Corn Syrup + Wheat Buns with Dead Animals in Between 10:31:22
@scammer101:envs.netscammer101 As i said earlier this is very similar to my current diet. I will try to make few Changes like reducing dairy. 10:31:40
@doopledi:matrix.orgdoopledi Dairy might give the feeling of being full (since proteins) but if possible, balancing with other foodstuffs might be good as well. Ofc one needs proteins so. 10:32:41
@doopledi:matrix.orgdoopledi Beans, lentils, nuts... That's I think the general veggie guideline for getting protein. 10:33:40
In reply to @doopledi:matrix.org
Beans, lentils, nuts... That's I think the general veggie guideline for getting protein.
I eat those too. it's hard for me to get fats from plant food.
@doopledi:matrix.orgdoopledi Yeah fats are vital... Locally they recommend vegetable oils in moderation 10:35:09

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