
Health & Nutrition

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11 Mar 2023
@scammer101:envs.net@scammer101:envs.net* I eat those too. it's hard for me to get fats from plant food. That's Why I consume dairy10:35:11
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org If you mean nutrient fats (and not fats around your belly) 10:35:21
In reply to @doopledi:matrix.org
If you mean nutrient fats (and not fats around your belly)
Yes nutrient fats. doesn't vegetable oil contain Omega-6.
@scammer101:envs.net@scammer101:envs.net* Yes nutrient fats. Doesn't vegetable oil contain Omega-6.?10:36:21
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org I think so 10:36:24
@scammer101:envs.net@scammer101:envs.netSo how do you deal with that10:36:47
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org There's the whole episode about westerners trying to diet by leaving out fats, but all those diets are pretty useless. And the brain/nervous systems needs fats 10:36:52
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org Omegas are good? 10:36:57
In reply to @doopledi:matrix.org
Omegas are good?
Sure, but plant based food don't contain omega-3. Seed oil also contains anti nutrients
In reply to @doopledi:matrix.org
Omegas are good?
They get oxidized to easily.
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org I'm not sure O3 is a vital nutrient... Because the body can synthesize some derivatives from other sources if I'm reading right. 10:40:29
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org One has to keep in mind that there's always someone wanting to sell you sth 10:40:48
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org There was the period they thought fish oil would be a miracle cure... Not so sure 10:41:21
In reply to @doopledi:matrix.org
I'm not sure O3 is a vital nutrient... Because the body can synthesize some derivatives from other sources if I'm reading right.
Yes it is. Body can convert ala to o3 but conversion rate is so poor. Maybe that's why that diet you mentioned also recommends eating meat, but in moderation
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org In moderation yeah... At least it's a bit of a safeguard 10:41:53
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org In case you miss something at some point, you get some vitals in any case 10:42:08
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org Personally... I just go with wide arches. Try to limit overeating anything and keep it as varied as my energies and budget allows. 10:42:49
In reply to @doopledi:matrix.org
I'm not sure O3 is a vital nutrient... Because the body can synthesize some derivatives from other sources if I'm reading right.
They’re termed essential fatty acids, as they’re needed for health, but your body cannot produce them as it can other fats.
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org If so they could just say how many pieces of salmon I need to eat a week 10:50:33
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org Talking about making stuff complicated or what 10:50:49
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org Essential with caveats and complications we leave you to think about this 10:51:10
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org Sorry I've had a headache all morning, probably need to get a move on 10:51:40
In reply to @doopledi:matrix.org
Sorry I've had a headache all morning, probably need to get a move on
Okay. Thanks for helping me regarding gut Bacteria and other things.
13 Mar 2023
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org changed their display name from doopledi to doopcoin.10:00:59
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org changed their display name from doopcoin to doopledi.10:11:46
21 Mar 2023
@pleo:matrix.org@pleo:matrix.org joined the room.13:59:45
@pleo:matrix.org@pleo:matrix.org MMS DOCUMENTARY QUANTUM LEAP - FULL LENGTH - THE CURE FOR DISEASE - 25TH SEPT 2021 https://rumble.com/vnsmel-mms-documentary-quantum-leap-full-length-the-cure-for-disease-25th-sept-202.html 🤗14:10:09
22 Mar 2023
@doopledi:matrix.org@doopledi:matrix.org CureForAllDiseaseGuruPlsSubscribe10EUROnlyVeryCheap 12:44:36
@cultparty:matrix.orgAndor joined the room.12:54:53

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