
Letters to Louis

1026 Members
Any open letters that you wish for Louis Rossmann to personally read. **This isn't a comment section, please take conversations to an alternative channel.** Please do NOT write a letter asking for a private conversation/to read an email, just post it here. Louis checks this channel regularly. It is unnecessary to be pinging him here. Pinging him is unlikely to get you responses any faster, and more likely to get your letters ignored. **Excessive pinging will result in removal from this room.**117 Servers

1292 users have interacted with this room.
Page 1
MXIDAvatarDisplay NamePower Level
@christophhoward:matrix.org@christophhoward:matrix.orgChristoph HowardCustom(99)
@christoph_howard:arcticfoxes.net@christoph_howard:arcticfoxes.netChristoph (A)Moderator(50)
@dsmullen:matrix.org@dsmullen:matrix.orgDaniel SmullenModerator(50)
@reklipz:matrix.org@reklipz:matrix.org(void *) NULLUser(0)