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28 Jul 2020
@swrangsar:matrix.orgswrangsarafter having pressed $mod+shift+e to exit Wayland session, is there any keyboard shortcut to confirm the exit?12:12:32

swrangsar: no, but there's a workaround


@dudebundy:matrix.orgdudebundyI use wlogout which gives you a fancy customizable logout screen. It's quite nice: https://github.com/ArtsyMacaw/wlogout12:58:03
In reply to @donbex:matrix.org

swrangsar: no, but there's a workaround


that's misfit, I can't exit without mouse?
@donbex:matrix.orgdonbex You can, but not straight out of the box. 18:03:00
@paulos:im.su.cvut.czpaulos joined the room.18:30:44
@pablo_marcendo:matrix.orgpablo_marcendoI have a problem with some steam games refusing to use the correct monitor. 19:31:49
@pablo_marcendo:matrix.orgpablo_marcendo * I have a problem with some steam games refusing to use the correct monitor. I have 2 monitors, a low resolution one on coordinates (0,0), and a high resolution to the right. Some steam games will always open on the low resolution one, and I can't even move the windows to the other monitor. When I set the high resolution monitor on coordinates (0,0), the games open on that monitor, but the other monitor will be on negative coordinates which causes problems with xwayland. Has anyone else encountered this problem?19:35:37
@pablo_marcendo:matrix.orgpablo_marcendo * I have a problem with some steam games refusing to use the correct monitor. I have 2 monitors, a low resolution one on coordinates (0,0), and a high resolution to the right. Some steam games will always open on the low resolution one, and I can't even move the windows to the other monitor. When I set the high resolution monitor on coordinates (0,0), the games open on that monitor, but with an offset equal to the horizontal resolution of the left monitor, i.e. I can see my background on the left part of the screen and then the left half of the game on the right part of the screen. Also the left monitor will be on negative coordinates which causes problems with xwayland. Has anyone else encountered this problem?19:44:00
@genrtyl:matrix.orggenrtoneI have very similar issues. Sometimes it helps to set the output you want stuff to appear on as primary.21:03:06
@genrtyl:matrix.orggenrtone You do that with xrandr, like xrandr --output <outputname> --primary 21:03:30
@genrtyl:matrix.orggenrtoneOther times launching through Lutris helps. There's some workarounds you can activate in it21:03:47
@genrtyl:matrix.orggenrtoneIt seems like Sway natively doesn't have the concept of a primary monitor?21:06:38
@genrtyl:matrix.orggenrtoneKind of seems like an oversight21:06:46
@donbex:matrix.orgdonbex pablo_marcendo: Have you tried simply putting something like this in your sway configuration file? 21:31:52
@donbex:matrix.orgdonbex *
bindsym $mod+0 workspace games

assign [class="MyGame"] games
@donbex:matrix.orgdonbex *
bindsym $mod+0 workspace games
assign [class="MyGame"] games
@donbex:matrix.orgdonbex *
bindsym $mod+0 workspace games
workspace games output BigScreen
assign [class="MyGame"] games
@donbex:matrix.orgdonbexReferences (from the i3 manual): https://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html#assign_workspace https://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html#workspace_screen21:38:09
29 Jul 2020
@pablo_marcendo:matrix.orgpablo_marcendoSetting the output as primary did make the game go to the correct monitor, but is has trouble capturing mouse and keyboard inputs. I still can't move the game to other workspaces, but by pressing mod+shift+5 a few times, I can move all other windows (which I can't see, because the game is full screen), like steam, away. If I then click on waybar once, the game does capture mouse input, but not keyboard.07:25:36
@pablo_marcendo:matrix.orgpablo_marcendoI'll try donbex's solution later today after work07:26:26
@pablo_marcendo:matrix.orgpablo_marcendo * Setting the output as primary did make the game go to the correct monitor, but it has trouble capturing mouse and keyboard inputs. I still can't move the game to other workspaces, but by pressing mod+shift+5 a few times, I can move all other windows (which I can't see, because the game is full screen), like steam, away. If I then click on waybar once, the game does capture mouse input, but not keyboard.08:00:03
@genrtyl:matrix.orggenrtoneLutris helps with games not capturing mouse and keyboard inputs08:44:20
@genrtyl:matrix.orggenrtone Is the game Sekiro, by any chance? 08:44:30
@genrtyl:matrix.orggenrtoneI had these exact problems with that game08:44:38
@genrtyl:matrix.orggenrtoneI just worry that the window class solution will mean you have to add an entry for every game you want to play08:45:18
@pablo_marcendo:matrix.orgpablo_marcendoI tried Mount and Blade: Warband this morning, FlatOut 2 had the same problem last week. I do not own Sekiro.08:46:31
@genrtyl:matrix.orggenrtoneIt's a great game, comes highly recommended :P08:48:00
@genrtyl:matrix.orggenrtoneAlthough it does kind of work like ass on Sway08:48:12

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