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8 Nov 2024
@echasnovski:matrix.orgechasnovski* This is more about inconsistent returned values.14:07:16
In reply to @moonglade:matrix.org
Now the behavior of vim.o is the same as &option
Like, even before the option revamp PR
@moonglade:matrix.orgFamiu If you did set aleph you'd get 224 14:07:31
@moonglade:matrix.orgFamiubut an empty string for browsedir14:07:36
In reply to @moonglade:matrix.org
Now the behavior of vim.o is the same as &option
* Like, even before the hidden option PR
@moonglade:matrix.orgFamiu Now vim.o just mirrors that 14:07:52
In reply to @moonglade:matrix.org
but an empty string for browsedir
This is caused by incorrect (?) default values in options.lua
@moonglade:matrix.orgFamiuFeel free to submit a PR, but fwiw Vim script and Lua behave the same now14:10:57
@moonglade:matrix.orgFamiuSo this very well may be intended behavior, though I'm not sure since hidden options are not my specific area of expertise14:11:18
@moonglade:matrix.orgFamiu If you want a good starting point, just go to src/nvim/options.lua and search for immutable = true, those are the hidden options 14:11:45
In reply to @moonglade:matrix.org
If you want a good starting point, just go to src/nvim/options.lua and search for immutable = true, those are the hidden options
Those are not (all) options I am talking about. At least, 'aleph' does not contain immutable = true.
@echasnovski:matrix.orgechasnovski The enable_if = false is closer to the lost I posted earlier. 14:16:14
In reply to @echasnovski:matrix.org
The enable_if = false is closer to the lost I posted earlier.
enable_if = false no longer exists
In reply to @echasnovski:matrix.org
The enable_if = false is closer to the lost I posted earlier.
* enable_if = false no longer exists after #28400
@moonglade:matrix.orgFamiu I'm talking specifically after #28400 14:16:39
@moonglade:matrix.orgFamiu All hidden options use immutable = true now 14:16:55
@echasnovski:matrix.orgechasnovski Ah, haven't pulled in a long time, sorry. 14:17:56
@echasnovski:matrix.orgechasnovski But those options that were enable_if = false are indeed the same list I provided earlier. 14:18:36
@moonglade:matrix.orgFamiu Yes, those options use immutable = false now 14:20:22
@moonglade:matrix.orgFamiuThe behavior for Lua is now the same as the behavior for Vim script, which imo is a good thing14:20:40
@moonglade:matrix.orgFamiuNow, if we choose to fix the default, they will be "fixed" for both Vim script and Lua14:20:58
@euro20179:matrix.orgeuro20179 joined the room.16:19:26

I had a question and was told to ask it here:

there are a few special registers, ctrl-f, ctrl-w, and ctrl-l, but they dont work with getreg, and @ syntax, i was wondering if it's used internally anywhere or something, or if it's just broken?

@euro20179:matrix.orgeuro20179 also, i've checked the code for getreg and it seems like it should return something for one of those registers, but it still doesn't, so im probably missing something 16:32:40
@euro20179:matrix.orgeuro20179 * also, i've checked the code for getreg and it seems like it should return something for one of those registers, but it still doesn't, so im probably missing something 16:33:12
@euro20179:matrix.orgeuro20179 actually it looks like it is never used because get_reg_contents first checks valid_yank_reg before it would ever look at the ctrl-* registers, and valid_yank_reg would return false if it is one of them 16:47:22
@euro20179:matrix.orgeuro20179why are they here lol16:47:28
@euro20179:matrix.orgeuro20179 making the ctrl-* registers valid in valid_yank_reg, worked for ctrl-r in insert mode, but since the numeric registers are numeric and not strings, getreg("\<c-l>") etc, still dont work 17:00:35
@euro20179:matrix.orgeuro20179ah aight i figured it out, it's only used in c_CTRL-r17:17:43
9 Nov 2024
@realchairforce:matrix.orgrealchairforce What's the recommended way to run Neovim's lua functionaltest for a single file or a single describe / busted tag? I saw make functionaltest but that runs everything 08:49:05

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