
Steiner & Goethe

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Steiner & Goethean Thinking, Phenomenology, & Science5 Servers

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11 Dec 2021
@_discord_800932670284496927:t2bot.ioKidd Enlightened joined the room.12:01:02
@_discord_517438530121760770:t2bot.ioMagi-Cal joined the room.16:54:54
12 Dec 2021
@_discord_703620882840420392:t2bot.iobertik joined the room.16:14:56
14 Dec 2021
@_discord_301907244927418381:t2bot.ioVespa joined the room.09:58:51
15 Dec 2021
@_discord_194588340626915329:t2bot.io𓂀 ❄ 𝙻𝚊𝚡 ❄ ॐ joined the room.13:03:21
18 Dec 2021
@_discord_230452345002131456:t2bot.ioLongo joined the room.17:27:41
19 Dec 2021
@_discord_826059214337736747:t2bot.ionanabanana joined the room.13:35:42
@_discord_867872225645690950:t2bot.ioAmar#9596 changed their display name from Amar to Speck oF dust#9596.20:50:51
20 Dec 2021
@_discord_340928408370413568:t2bot.ioaknewhope joined the room.21:07:14
21 Dec 2021
@_discord_273858031584935937:t2bot.ioamazed joined the room.22:54:19
@_discord_922989349837086790:t2bot.iomivan joined the room.23:15:43
22 Dec 2021
@aetherforce:matrix.orgaetherforceSpace and Counterspace - A chapter from Ernst Lehr's Man or Matter https://www.aetherforce.energy/space-and-counterspace-by-ernst-lehrs/ Conceived dynamically, as projective geometry requires, Point and Plane represent a pair of opposites, the Point standing for utmost contraction, the Plane for utmost expansion. As such, they form a polarity of the first order. Both together constitute Space. Which sort of space this is, depends on the relationship in which they are envisaged. By positing the point as the unit from which to start, and deriving our conception of the plane from the point, we constitute Euclidean space. By starting in the manner described above, with the plane as the unit, and conceiving the point from it, we constitute polar-Euclidean space. The realization of the reversibility of the relationship between Point and Plane leads to a conception of Space still free from any specific character. By G. Adams this space has been appositely called archetypal space, or ur-space. Both Euclidean and polar-Euclidean space are particular manifestations of it, their mutual relationship being one of metamorphosis in the Goethean sense. Through conceiving Euclidean and polar-Euclidean space in this manner it becomes clear that they are nothing else than the geometrical expression of the relationship between gravity and levity. For gravity, through its field spreading outward from an inner centre, establishes a point-to-point relation between all things under its sway; whereas levity draws all things within its domain into common plane-relations by establishing field-conditions wherein action takes place from the periphery towards the centre. What distinguishes in both cases the plane at infinity from all other planes may be best described by calling it the all-embracing plane; correspondingly the point at infinity may be best described as the all-relating point. In outer nature the all-embracing plane is as much the ‘centre’ of the earth’s field of levity as the all-relating point is the centre of her field of gravity. All actions of dynamic entities, such as that of the ur-plant and its subordinate types, start from this plane. Seeds, eye-formations, etc., are nothing but individual all-relating points in respect of this plane. All that springs from such points does so because of the point’s relation to the all-embracing plane. This may suffice to show how realistic are the mathematical concepts which we have here tried to build up. #aetherforce #ether #counterspace #space #levity #gravity #polarity #projectivegeometry #steiner #goethe #manormatter02:23:24
@_discord_461161546773561345:t2bot.ioKnuksrepus joined the room.17:35:08
25 Dec 2021
@aetherforce:matrix.orgaetherforceRedacted or Malformed Event13:18:07
@aetherforce:matrix.orgaetherforceDownload source-of-the-force-v3.pdf13:19:46
@aetherforce:matrix.orgaetherforceDownload scythianos-hidden-master_douglas-gabriel.pdf13:19:48
@aetherforce:matrix.orgaetherforceDownload perception-4-18.pdf13:19:50
@aetherforce:matrix.orgaetherforceDownload emerson.pdf13:19:52
@aetherforce:matrix.orgaetherforceDownload is-there-life-after-death.pdf13:19:54
@aetherforce:matrix.orgaetherforceDownload surviving-the-apocalypse.pdf13:19:56
@aetherforce:matrix.orgaetherforceDownload ahriman-occult-annihilation1.pdf13:19:58
@aetherforce:matrix.orgaetherforceDownload pre-christian-deeds-of-the-cosmic-i-am.pdf13:20:01
@aetherforce:matrix.orgaetherforceDownload the-human-heart-a-supersensible-organ-of-perception-2.pdf13:20:04
26 Dec 2021
@_discord_828251076850876446:t2bot.iomichael_mei joined the room.16:20:31
@michaelmei:matrix.orgmichaelmei joined the room.17:23:39
28 Dec 2021
@_discord_632245162743169074:t2bot.iowolfdog joined the room.02:28:55
@_discord_666409735959871498:t2bot.iotomas joined the room.03:20:51
29 Dec 2021
@_discord_575794071801692163:t2bot.ioOccam joined the room.05:11:24

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