
Steiner & Goethe

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Steiner & Goethean Thinking, Phenomenology, & Science5 Servers

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20 Oct 2021
21 Oct 2021
@phoenix_ikarian:matrix.org@phoenix_ikarian joined the room.06:41:19


"When we take it into account, we learn that in the tropics there is a very strong intimacy between the etheric earthly element and the extra-terrestrial astral, whereas at the poles the astral is flung back in a certain way. This insight can prove most fruitful, for on pursuing it we discover a further connection. Let us take the case of a patient whom we expose to conditions in which light is unusually active, the air being strongly penetrated by light. He is thus surrounded by light. This means that we place him into a region where the earthly element that had worked on him is significantly removed and he is exposed to the extra-terrestrial. In strong sunlight we find what the earth no longer needs, what is rejected by the earth. The patient thus enters this region of extra-terrestrial activity. When we take a patient into sun-permeated air it works on his rhythmic organism to a tremendous extent. In this way we can work against an irregular metabolism directly by way of the rhythmic system, for the rhythmic system regulates itself through this exposure to light.

This relationship enables us to recognize the basis of treatment with sun and light. Moreover, if we find someone particularly unable to resist parasitic illnesses, such treatment is especially to be recommended. This does not mean that one has to be an adherent of the germ-theory. You must be clear that the presence of parasites shows that there are deeper causes at work in the patient that account for the accumulation of bacteria and that permit them to remain there. Bacilli are never really the cause of illness; they only indicate that the patient has the causes of the illness within him. Bacteriological research is important on this account, but only as a foundation for research. The actual organic causes lie in the human being himself. These organic causes within the human being are opposed by what streams toward the earth from the extra-terrestrial cosmos, surrounding the earth but not totally absorbed by it. It is a surplus, an “excess-sun,” an “excess-light,” and so on. Thus where the earth not only sprouts but begins to shine, where it contains more light than is necessary for sprouting, we find what acts most favorably in this direction."

  • Rudolf Steiner Anthroposophical Spiritual Science and Medical Therapy
    Anthro Medical Therapy: Lecture III https://wn.rsarchive.org/Lectures/GA/GA0313/19210413a01.html
22 Oct 2021
@alkimia:matrix.orgalkimia joined the room.09:01:21
@wizardironwood:matrix.orgwizardironwood joined the room.17:06:27
24 Oct 2021
@nanonate:matrix.orgnanonate When we take a patient into sun-permeated air it works on his rhythmic organism to a tremendous extent. 16:25:56
26 Oct 2021
@aetherforce:matrix.orgaetherforceIndeed. 02:29:47
4 Dec 2021
@aetherforce:matrix.orgaetherforce invited @_discord_bot:t2bot.ioDiscord Bridge.23:55:32
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@aetherforce:matrix.orgaetherforceRedacted or Malformed Event23:55:58
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5 Dec 2021
@_discord_835396441685098518:t2bot.ioLukie joined the room.05:16:36
@_discord_641090604830556168:t2bot.iocweiler3 joined the room.05:44:36
@_discord_854451726606139442:t2bot.ioKINGE2000 joined the room.17:46:45
6 Dec 2021
@_discord_690934926371061791:t2bot.ioWalt joined the room.06:35:01
@_discord_867872225645690950:t2bot.ioAmar#9596 joined the room.13:37:10
@_discord_514461484319899659:t2bot.ioDOccultist joined the room.23:45:39
7 Dec 2021
@_discord_428761482247798794:t2bot.ioSTEAK#4791 joined the room.01:58:25
@_discord_835396441685098518:t2bot.ioLukie changed their display name from Lukie to Lukie#5686.16:30:14
@_discord_835396441685098518:t2bot.ioLukie changed their display name from Lukie#5686 to Lukie.16:30:21
@seanceunsean:matrix.orgSeance Unsean joined the room.20:53:24
8 Dec 2021
@_discord_687940205428342785:t2bot.iogaiagee joined the room.18:36:23
9 Dec 2021
@_discord_481870046285660161:t2bot.iorico joined the room.16:44:15
10 Dec 2021
@_discord_410129363825197068:t2bot.ioWizard Ironwood#1605 joined the room.16:51:53

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