
Steiner Spiritual Science

318 Members
Rudolf Steiner's Anthroposophical Spiritual Science5 Servers

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5 Aug 2024
@albi:mxchat.czalbi changed their profile picture.10:32:50
4 Sep 2024
@aetherforce:matrix.orgaetherforce changed their profile picture.04:16:02
5 Oct 2021
@aetherforce:matrix.orgaetherforce set the history visibility to "world_readable".04:50:45
@aetherforce:matrix.orgaetherforce set the room name to "Steiner & Goethe".04:50:46
@aetherforce:matrix.orgaetherforce set the room topic to "Steiner & Goethean Thinking, Phenomenology, & Science".04:50:46
@aetherforce:matrix.orgaetherforce set a profile picture.06:35:42
7 Oct 2021
@aetherforce:matrix.orgaetherforce"The human brain is not a computer, the human metabolism not a physical powerplant, and the heart is not a pump" - Douglas Gabriel of Neoanthroposophy20:35:08
8 Oct 2021
@nanonate:matrix.orgnanonate joined the room.16:00:42
9 Oct 2021
10 Oct 2021
12 Oct 2021
@gnostichueman:matrix.orggnostichueman joined the room.11:19:02
20 Oct 2021
@aetherforce:matrix.orgaetherforce * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tl9R7W00nRs&list=PLToTqyobi8cZ86hakpZKBeg0NWBmDRbLq&index=11304:01:20

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