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Numb22Anarchist changed the topic to: 1) Privacy and security awareness. 2) Technology news. 3) Technology assistance. 4) Community environment. 5) To incorporate all demographics, NSFW is prohibited. 6) Trolling is prohibited. 7) Advertising is prohibited. 8) Refrain from extensive off topic discussions. 9) Respect administrators and moderators discussions. 10) Direct questions and concerns regarding room trouble via message @mtrxorg:matrix.org3 Servers

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8 Jun 2020
@mtrxorg:matrix.orgNumb22Anarchist@room Hello and welcome, all members! 🤓 12:31:16
@fractal:matrix.org@fractal:matrix.org hi Numb22Anarchist 12:35:55
@mtrxorg:matrix.orgNumb22Anarchist fractal hi 😁 12:40:35
@mtrxorg:matrix.orgNumb22Anarchist invited @hypokeimenon:tchncs.de@hypokeimenon:tchncs.de.13:15:55
@hypokeimenon:tchncs.de@hypokeimenon:tchncs.de joined the room.13:21:50
@hypokeimenon:tchncs.de@hypokeimenon:tchncs.deThat worked fine, thanks.13:22:29
@hypokeimenon:tchncs.de@hypokeimenon:tchncs.deThe invite, I mean.13:22:40
@mtrxorg:matrix.orgNumb22Anarchist hypokeimenon great! 13:35:11
@mtrxorg:matrix.orgNumb22AnarchistRiotX will be great once everything is complete. Better then the original in my opinion. 13:43:54
@mtrxorg:matrix.orgNumb22AnarchistThe two things I see that are missing from RiotX is "Sessions and integrations". We'll see what happens after RiotX has finished in the "Beta Version".14:22:45
@fractal:matrix.org@fractal:matrix.orgNumb22Anarchist: will you also run a cabal:// version is the room in the future with appservice?16:54:16
@mtrxorg:matrix.orgNumb22AnarchistWhat is everyones thoughts on IPFS?16:55:16
@mtrxorg:matrix.orgNumb22Anarchist* The two things I see that are missing from RiotX is "Sessions and Integrations". We'll see what happens after RiotX has finished in the "Beta Version".16:55:16
9 Jun 2020
@neoflux:matrix.org@neoflux:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event15:23:25
@annealer:matrix.orgAnnealer joined the room.21:21:06
@mtrxorg:matrix.orgNumb22Anarchist fractal can you please elaborate more on Cabal version? I am not filmiar with this. 22:46:57
10 Jun 2020
@fractal:matrix.org@fractal:matrix.org hi Numb22Anarchist 05:43:42
@fractal:matrix.org@fractal:matrix.orgit's still in early development. they're in the middle of implementing moderator functionality right now05:43:58
@fractal:matrix.org@fractal:matrix.orgwork on the matrix <-> cabal bridge only began last month05:44:10
@fractal:matrix.org@fractal:matrix.orgit's part of the https://dat.foundation/05:44:46
@fractal:matrix.org@fractal:matrix.orgwhich also includes things such as https://hypercore-protocol.org/05:44:55
@fractal:matrix.org@fractal:matrix.orgso they are all sort of related/connected in one way or another :)05:45:13

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