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15 Apr 2020
@bernd:matrix.kraut.spaceberndlooks like samething goes wrong with key export16:40:33
@finlaydag33k:finlaydag33k.nlAroop Roelofs your fingerprint is C1F3 B540 C16A 952C 790E 9A53 08D9 4CE1 8582 CFC9 right? 16:46:56
@finlaydag33k:finlaydag33k.nlAroop Roelofshm...16:54:36
@finlaydag33k:finlaydag33k.nlAroop Roelofsidk then... seems like there might be an issue in Enigmail itself because somehow, it wants me to insert my yubikey (on which my GPG private key is located) just to encrypt a message to myself... Idk why it's doing that since there is no need for it...16:55:39
17 Apr 2020
@wiktor:stratum0.orgwiktor bernd: enigmail, and any other e-mail program usually encrypts to both keys - the recipient and the sender, so that the sender can read later what was sent. Did you have by chance two keys? From the description it sounds like your friend used wrong key when sending. You can gpg --list-packets it to see which key IDs it was encrypted to. 05:55:30
18 Apr 2020
@labrat808:matrix.orglabrat808 joined the room.08:31:11
21 Apr 2020
@finlaydag33k:finlaydag33k.nlAroop Roelofs bernd: Did you manage to fix it? 19:45:25
@bernd:matrix.kraut.spaceberndhalf and half ... key missmanagment at my side19:47:17
@finlaydag33k:finlaydag33k.nlAroop Roelofsah :p 19:48:04
@bernd:matrix.kraut.spaceberndbut i dont understand why gpg says it was the senders key19:48:32
@finlaydag33k:finlaydag33k.nlAroop RoelofsThat indeed is very strange... 19:48:46
@finlaydag33k:finlaydag33k.nlAroop RoelofsI'm still trying to fiddle around with it myself as well...19:49:05
@bernd:matrix.kraut.spaceberndfor today i finished ... have a nice evening19:49:08
@finlaydag33k:finlaydag33k.nlAroop Roelofsaye : >19:49:13
23 Apr 2020
@slipsnip:matrix.orgslipsnip joined the room.22:59:17
@slipsnip:matrix.orgslipsnip invited @freenode_Drone4four:matrix.orgDrone4four.22:59:25
@freenode_Drone4four:matrix.orgDrone4four joined the room.22:59:25
@freenode_Drone4four:matrix.orgDrone4four left the room.22:59:26
@drone4four:matrix.orgAngeles89 joined the room.23:02:15
@slipsnip:matrix.orgslipsnipI have a very silly question as I am just learning about GPG, why do I see signatures using SHA1, and not one of the later version 2 or 323:02:30
@finlaydag33k:finlaydag33k.nlAroop RoelofsIf I remember correctly SHA256 is the default for most things except certificate hashing. Idk why that difference is but my best guess would be backwards compatibility?23:04:31
@slipsnip:matrix.orgslipsnipmaybe that is the reason, thank you I will do more learning on the subject23:06:35
@finlaydag33k:finlaydag33k.nlAroop Roelofsjust keep your GPG up-to-date as much as possible (like any other software package) and it should change with the latest recommendations at some point.23:07:49
25 Apr 2020
@fgudin:matrix.orgfgudin joined the room.10:53:40
27 Apr 2020
@samedamci:mozilla.orgsamedamci joined the room.18:56:16
7 May 2020
@wil_liam:matrix.orgwil_liam joined the room.23:10:37
12 May 2020
@88cretin88:matrix.org88cretin88 joined the room.19:26:16

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