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21 Oct 2023
@galaxylittl_0[d]:libera.chat@galaxylittl_0[d]:libera.chat left the room.22:35:28
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22 Oct 2023
@confident-pretender:matrix.orgconfident-pretender HI everyone, I'm trying to use the Intervention image library to convert ico to png files, even with the imagick driver (I'm using Laravel). With imagemagick directly on the command line this works without issues, so I assume it's a limitation on the library? 23:52:38
23 Oct 2023
@yookoala:matrix.orgKoala Yeung ico is basically bmp format. ImageMagick should have no problem with the format. 00:25:52
@confident-pretender:matrix.orgconfident-pretenderYeah, it's really strange but I keep getting the following "ImagickException - no decode delegate for this image format"00:27:03
@confident-pretender:matrix.orgconfident-pretenderthat's the latest error I got (I've been iterating though some vriants of the code) but sometimes I get this: "Unable to read image from binary data."00:27:37
@confident-pretender:matrix.orgconfident-pretenderAnd as mentioned with the CLI directly, it's capable of handling it no problem. 00:28:00

I'm making a get request to the favicon and encoding it like so, which works fine for other types of files like svg, etc:

        $response = Http::get($faviconUrl);

        $manager = new ImageManager(['driver' => 'imagick']);
        if (str_contains($faviconRaw, '.ico'))
            return response($faviconRaw);
        } else
            return $manager->make($faviconRaw)->resize(32,32)->encode('png');

@confident-pretender:matrix.orgconfident-pretender *

I'm making a get request to the favicon and encoding it like so, which works fine for other types of files like svg, etc:

        $response = Http::get($faviconUrl);
        $faviconRaw = $response->body();

        $manager = new ImageManager(['driver' => 'imagick']);
        return $manager->make($faviconRaw)->resize(32,32)->encode('png');
@confident-pretender:matrix.orgconfident-pretenderI saw an issue opened suggesting to write the file first instead of using the raw bytes directly, and let ImageMagick figure out the format from the file extension, but it didn't work either.00:31:15
@yookoala:matrix.orgKoala Yeung Would you mind sharing the specific .ico file with issue? 01:49:40
@confident-pretender:matrix.orgconfident-pretenderSure, I tried a few to make sure it's the format in general but you can try this one which is the one I've been trying with the most: https://cdn.sstatic.net/Sites/stackoverflow/Img/favicon.ico?v=ec617d71519609:44:21
@confident-pretender:matrix.orgconfident-pretenderTo be honest, for my use case, it would actually make more sense to convert to .ico instead :D but I'm just curious now what the problem is.09:56:33
In reply to @yookoala:matrix.org
ico is basically bmp format. ImageMagick should have no problem with the format.
You mentioned that ico is basically bmp... so what's specific about ico that makes it different then?
@hashborgir:mozilla.org🍄 HB|B.CS,BSCSIA,A+,Net+,Sec+,CySA+,Pentest+,Project+,ECES,ITILv4,SSCP,MCP,MCSE|🌿 changed their display name from 🍄 HB|A+,Net+,Sec+,CySA+,ECES,ITILv4,SSCP,MCP,MCSE|🌿 to 🍄 HB|A+,Net+,Sec+,CySA+,Pentest+,ECES,ITILv4,SSCP,MCP,MCSE|🌿.21:38:07
26 Oct 2023
@rcares:matrix.orgrcares joined the room.19:37:33
29 Oct 2023
@sidtheitguy:matrix.orgSidTheITGuy joined the room.17:20:31
7 Nov 2023
@sidtheitguy:matrix.orgSidTheITGuyHey Everyone, I have a YouTube channel where I post tutorials on Shopify and Laravel/Express. You can check it out here -> https://youtube.com/@SidTheITGuy17:46:16
8 Nov 2023
@yookoala:matrix.orgKoala YeungCool01:27:45
@Zevran:matrix.orgGaël Reyrol joined the room.15:51:39
9 Nov 2023
@kongpois0n:matrix.orgHK Defenders changed their profile picture.07:49:34
12 Nov 2023
@leandrocunha:matrix.debian.socialLeandro joined the room.00:51:47
20 Nov 2023
@cedrea:matrix.orgcedrea joined the room.20:17:58

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