

531 Members
Freifunk | DE|EN | We are building free and open mesh networks | https://www.freifunk.net | Matrix Space: #freifunk-space:matrix.org103 Servers

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1 Aug 2024
@mr_smith:matrix.orgmr_smith left the room.19:23:55
3 Aug 2024
@misanthropos:matrix.orgmisanthropos left the room.03:32:14
8 Aug 2024
@imaginator:fairydust.spaceSimon changed their display name from Simon Tennant to Simon.10:52:39
11 Aug 2024
@ivandee:matrix.orgIvanD joined the room.02:35:19
@amakxy:matrix.orgamakxy joined the room.14:11:46
15 Aug 2024
@svenfltp:toppoint.desvenfltp changed their profile picture.06:07:22
@svenfltp:toppoint.desvenfltp changed their profile picture.06:25:28
17 Aug 2024
@ivandee:matrix.orgIvanD left the room.23:28:09
19 Aug 2024
@petervenkman:matrix.orgpetervenkman left the room.06:03:10
@pitch:flipdot.orgpitch left the room.09:32:16
@hexa:lossy.networkhexa left the room.23:47:01
20 Aug 2024
@x_lost.maxi_x:matrix.orgx_lost.maxi_x (Old) changed their display name from x_lost.maxi_x to x_lost.maxi_x (Old).13:39:21
23 Aug 2024
@pato:tchncs.dePAul T changed their display name from PAul T DH28 to PAul T DH28 (SWL)(CB+PMR)(Wendland-Altmark).20:20:19
@pato:tchncs.dePAul T changed their display name from PAul T DH28 (SWL)(CB+PMR)(Wendland-Altmark) to patt.20:43:17
@pato:tchncs.dePAul T changed their display name from patt to PAul T DH28 (CB)(PMR446)(Freenet)(SWL)(Wendland-Altmark).20:46:04
24 Aug 2024
@subjekt91:matrix.orgSubjekt_91 changed their display name from subjekt91 to Subjekt_91 (DECT 9191).12:04:29
@evlli:entropia.deUwUlyn left the room.14:17:17
@pato:tchncs.dePAul T changed their display name from PAul T DH28 (CB)(PMR446)(Freenet)(SWL)(Wendland-Altmark) to PAul T.15:14:07
26 Aug 2024
@uuhoopi:matrix.orgFozzieBaer changed their display name from BieneMaja[m] to Fozzy.22:16:36
@uuhoopi:matrix.orgFozzieBaer changed their display name from Fozzy to Fozzie.22:17:40
@uuhoopi:matrix.orgFozzieBaer changed their display name from Fozzie to BieneMaja[m]Fozzie.22:40:02
@uuhoopi:matrix.orgFozzieBaer changed their display name from BieneMaja[m]Fozzie to Fotzie.22:40:23
@uuhoopi:matrix.orgFozzieBaer changed their display name from Fotzie to Fotzie Baer.22:40:47
@uuhoopi:matrix.orgFozzieBaer changed their display name from Fotzie Baer to Fozzie.22:41:07
27 Aug 2024
@subjekt91:matrix.orgSubjekt_91 changed their display name from Subjekt_91 (DECT 9191) to Subjekt_91.06:15:31
@uuhoopi:matrix.orgFozzieBaer changed their display name from Fozzie to FozzieBaer.11:44:33
28 Aug 2024
@uuhoopi:matrix.orgFozzieBaer changed their display name from FozzieBaer to DozzieBaer.11:22:12
@uuhoopi:matrix.orgFozzieBaer changed their display name from DozzieBaer to FozzieBaer.11:22:33
@uuhoopi:matrix.orgFozzieBaer changed their display name from FozzieBaer to Baer.16:58:16
@uuhoopi:matrix.orgFozzieBaer changed their display name from Baer to FozzieBaer.16:58:38

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