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15 Nov 2018
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <kmdstudent> Thanks a log. Let me dig out what I am wrong myself then.08:07:14
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <kmdstudent> Thanks a lot. Let me dig out what I am wrong myself then.08:07:21
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <kmdstudent> Oh08:07:59
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <kmdstudent> This is log of dev branch?08:08:08
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <kmdstudent> https://github.com/jl777/SuperNET dev branch or https://github.com/artemii235/SuperNET master branch08:08:50
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <artem.pikulin> It's master branch of https://github.com/artemii235/SuperNET. I think it's worth to try building from my fork or use the prebuilt binary from releases. My fork is set to automatically track JL777 dev branch, however there are merged PRs in JL master from another branches.08:09:51
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <artem.pikulin> https://github.com/jl777/SuperNET repo might contain changes that are not reflected in my fork.08:10:21
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <kmdstudent> 👍08:10:52
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <artem.pikulin> ``` Enable ETH from your side has "pubtype":0,"p2shtype":19,"wiftype":239,"txfee":10000 while on my side it's "pubtype":0,"p2shtype":85,"wiftype":188,"txfee":1000. Please also set rpcport for ETH to 80, it shouldn't matter but it's 80 on my side. So the config should look {\"coin\":\"ETH\",\"name\":\"ethereum\",\"etomic\":\"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000\",\"rpcport\":80} ```08:36:13
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <artem.pikulin> @kmdstudent 👆 Please pay attention to this too.08:36:38
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <artem.pikulin> It's strange that ETH on your side has non-default `p2shtype`, `wiftype` and `txfee`.08:37:33
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <cipi> mm seems to have memleak, it uses more and more RAM... seems related to the SPV changes... i disabled almost all SPV coins in order to be able to do swaps... atm i have 7 coins in SPV and mm uses 1GB RAM... and rising... curious if it will stop rising14:28:19
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <cipi> need to remove BTC from SPV too... it uses so much network bandwith that swaps hardly start... @artem.pikulin#0794 are the UTXOs not cached on disk anymore?14:42:36
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <cipi> need to remove BTC from SPV too... it uses so much network bandwith that swaps hardly start... are the UTXOs not cached on disk anymore? @artem.pikulin#079414:43:23
16 Nov 2018
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <artem.pikulin> @cipi Hi, MM preloads electrum tx history at background and keeps it in RAM, so yes, the usage should've grown. However it shouln't constantly grow as tx history is not infinite. Does RAM usage keep growing after long period of time?09:39:06
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <artem.pikulin> I'll check if there is a mem leak and let you know. Please downgrade your node temporary for example to this release: https://github.com/artemii235/SuperNET/releases/tag/v1.0.911. The only changes I made was transaction history preloading, there're no more changes.09:49:44
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <artem.pikulin> I'll check if there is a mem leak and let you know. Please downgrade your node temporary for example to this release: https://github.com/artemii235/SuperNET/releases/tag/v1.0.911. The only changes I made was transaction history preloading.09:49:56
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <artem.pikulin> I'll check if there is a mem leak and let you know. Please downgrade your node temporary for example to this release: https://github.com/artemii235/SuperNET/releases/tag/v1.0.911. The only change I made was transaction history preloading.09:50:04
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <cipi> i watched the memory consumption over more then one hour... mm runs with only 2 SPV coins enabled, KMD and ETOMIC ```376732 marketmaker 11:35 406300 marketmaker 11:40 578704 marketmaker 12:05 631768 marketmaker 12:15 701464 marketmaker 12:25```12:26:23
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <cipi> i watched the memory consumption over more then one hour... mm runs with only 2 SPV coins enabled, KMD and ETOMIC ```376732 marketmaker 11:35 406300 marketmaker 11:40 578704 marketmaker 12:05 631768 marketmaker 12:15 701464 marketmaker 12:25 955168 marketmaker 13:00```13:01:45
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <cipi> i see a lot of long messages with `k.1410 error decoding` in BarterDEX, but they don't seem to affect swapping15:58:34
17 Nov 2018
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <artem.pikulin> @cipi Hi, thanks for report, I'm checking it.07:54:53
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <artem.pikulin> @cipi Here is the release with mem leak fix, please test it: https://github.com/artemii235/SuperNET/releases/tag/v1.0.965 Regarding `k.1410 error decoding`: could you please provide full example of such message? I need it to reproduce the issue in my environment.09:28:02
18 Nov 2018
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <cipi> @artem.pikulin https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/458692848884252712/513663659659100164/error_decoding.txt10:36:00
19 Nov 2018
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <artem.pikulin> Thanks! Checking.04:23:43
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <artem.pikulin> @cipi I was not able to reproduce issue in my environment, I've added stack trace to the error message to understand where it's coming from, could you please test this custom debug build? https://drive.google.com/open?id=1HFmlaTFQK6o7SLOwaU_vxlg8XG8gumwr, you might need to install additional lib for it to work: `sudo apt-get install libdw-dev`. Please let me know if you are able to run it and then send the error message with stack trace when you see it next time.13:13:47
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <cipi> you only see the messages when you or someone else on the same netid tries a swap... i will try your build...15:02:19
20 Nov 2018
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <artem.pikulin> @cipi Hi, `you only see the messages when you or someone else on the same netid tries a swap...` thanks for pointing this out, however I tried to add 3rd node to my test environment and the issue didn't reproduce 🙂 Seems like there is a node on netid 0 which broadcasts invalid messages for some reason. I'll try to run debug node by myself which will monitor netid 0.07:19:18
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <artem.pikulin> @everyone If you have one of these KMD addresses `RD96ib289tCcMzvVKkGsWi7KT1Lv9rZTvx`, `RB8yufv3YTfdzYnwz5paNnnDynGJG6WsqD` please PM me, I need information about your environment to fix the issue reported above. Thanks in advance!07:21:43
22 Nov 2018
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Lumbi> nice little system they got goin' https://github.com/airswap/developers/tree/master/api-server#setintents09:12:12

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