
Actually Autistic

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21 Aug 2021
@corbenic:matrix.org@corbenic:matrix.orgyou can build a FGC-9 without any parts banned anywhere06:22:15
@corbenic:matrix.org@corbenic:matrix.orgmostly springs and screws and a tube for te barrel 06:22:43
@corbenic:matrix.org@corbenic:matrix.orgyou can rifle the barrel at home with simple chemistry06:23:12
@corbenic:matrix.org@corbenic:matrix.orglike give it the internal screw pattern that makes the bullet spin and be more accurate06:23:36
@kunsi:franzi.businessFranziskaCan we please stop talking about Weapons in here?06:24:14
@corbenic:matrix.org@corbenic:matrix.orgsure if it bothers you, but i'd rather not06:24:39
@corbenic:matrix.org@corbenic:matrix.orgit is off topic06:24:47
@corbenic:matrix.org@corbenic:matrix.orgpeople on the spectrum will be targeted by the bad guy eventually06:25:28
@corbenic:matrix.org@corbenic:matrix.org * people on the spectrum will be targeted by the bad guys eventually06:25:33
@huntsmoodddn489:matrix.org@huntsmoodddn489:matrix.org3d printed guns is like kit built amateur airplanes..... mostly low IQ people losing body parts in accidents... Yeah thanks for the links, will check out. Weird how the American Left has factions for and against guns, and the right is pro gun.06:26:02
In reply to @huntsmoodddn489:matrix.org
3d printed guns is like kit built amateur airplanes..... mostly low IQ people losing body parts in accidents...
Yeah thanks for the links, will check out.
Weird how the American Left has factions for and against guns, and the right is pro gun.
no they work very well these days
@corbenic:matrix.org@corbenic:matrix.orgthat was like a twitter comment they dunk on with videos of it working great06:26:40
@kunsi:franzi.businessFranziskaSTOP IT, FOR FUCKS SAKE06:26:46
@huntsmoodddn489:matrix.org@huntsmoodddn489:matrix.orgAre you an alt account of the Admin?06:27:06
@corbenic:matrix.org@corbenic:matrix.org i see your opinion and disagree Franziska 06:27:15
@kunsi:franzi.businessFranziskano, but i'm triggered hard by guns06:27:30
@corbenic:matrix.org@corbenic:matrix.orgthe Tenatious Unicorn Ranch was triggerd my fascist mods trying to kill them, so they armed up06:28:11
@corbenic:matrix.org@corbenic:matrix.org * the Tenatious Unicorn Ranch was triggerd my fascist mobs trying to kill them, so they armed up06:28:20
@corbenic:matrix.org@corbenic:matrix.org * the Tenatious Unicorn Ranch was triggerd by fascist mobs trying to kill them, so they armed up06:28:25
@corbenic:matrix.org@corbenic:matrix.orgshould a trans ranch be undefended?06:28:57
@corbenic:matrix.org@corbenic:matrix.orgcall the cops lol06:29:13
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@huntsmoodddn489:matrix.org@huntsmoodddn489:matrix.org Franziska: You are clearly an alt account of the admin cobalt. 06:32:35
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In reply to @kunsi:franzi.business
no, but i'm triggered hard by guns
i'm sorry i don't mean to be a jerk, i just realized i wasn't listening well, i'm sorry about your experiences
@corbenic:matrix.org@corbenic:matrix.orgthis is a wall at their trans liberation ranch06:34:10
Download image.png
@corbenic:matrix.org@corbenic:matrix.orgthey had some people speaking up in the night and saw them and was like "leave or die"06:37:54
@corbenic:matrix.org@corbenic:matrix.orgthey need patrols and shit06:38:08
@corbenic:matrix.org@corbenic:matrix.org * they had some people sneaking up in the night and saw them and was like "leave or die"06:38:24

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