
Actually Autistic

20 Members
A space for neuroatypicals, especially autistic or autistic-adjacent people, that centers our needs. Allistics must understand their place here. Self-dx is valid! No bigots, no fascists (no TERFs, no SWERFs). Message @zuggtmoy:matrix.org for an invite!12 Servers

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21 Aug 2021
@huntsmoodddn489:matrix.org@huntsmoodddn489:matrix.orgWell, good talk have a nice day, will keep those rooms in mind, cheers.06:41:09
@jez:petrichor.meJez (he/him) left the room.07:12:53
In reply to @huntsmoodddn489:matrix.org
There are no semantics or any confusing details of any sort. Hans Asperger definitely sent more than two very low functioning children to the "Am Spiegelgrund" children's ward that was presented to medical practitioners as a psychiatric institute for children. He and others had no idea that it had become a Euthanasia clinic for the severely disabled and children of political dissidents.
Children and adults today are still presented to psychiatric clinics when the problem is so severe that it needs immediate attention. So if anything, this makes Hans Asperger a good person by modern standards.
Sorry for the late reply, its been a while since ive been online :) I only found 2 of the kids by name, but youre right. Apparently, 35 children were sent to Spiegelgrund by a commission that he was a part of. The idea that he didnt know is bs though. Even the mother of one of the children (Herta S) heavily implied that she knew her child would be killed (and approved). This was known to the public, and Asperger was a doctor with good connections. Theres no way he didnt know
22 Aug 2021
@huntsmoodddn489:matrix.org@huntsmoodddn489:matrix.orgThat isn't bs. The mother heavily implied that she knew? The public knew and would approve of children being euthanized ? Asperger regularly observed the few children he did send to Am Spiegelgrund and Am Steinhof until the start of WW2 in 1939. Hans Asperger was never a member of the October 1940, thirty participant conference about "Euthanasia" laws, ( that were never legally enacted anyway ). Asperger was not an administrator, leader or worker at Am Spiegelgrund. It was full of children and looked like a normal psychiatric ward for children. All we know for certain is that he himself directly sent at least two children to the ward pre ww2. when WW2 hit, Spiegelgrund Director Heinrich Gross from 1940 to 1945 was directly responsible for the majority of the 789 deaths. Keep in mind that Am Spiegelgrund was a recent addition to a large well renowned pre-Hitler psychiatric hospital called Am Steinhof.19:05:09
16 Sep 2021
In reply to @corbenic:matrix.org
i'm sorry i don't mean to be a jerk, i just realized i wasn't listening well, i'm sorry about your experiences
Don't worry about it, Franziska cobalt is a mentally ill autistic tranny that hates humans in general.
@huntsmoodddn489:matrix.org@huntsmoodddn489:matrix.orgI don' t understand how someone that hates humans can consider themselves a mi9norityh rights activist.19:28:08
@huntsmoodddn489:matrix.org@huntsmoodddn489:matrix.org * I don' t understand how someone that hates humans can consider themselves a minority rights activist.19:28:38
17 Sep 2021
In reply to @huntsmoodddn489:matrix.org
I don' t understand how someone that hates humans can consider themselves a minority rights activist.
Who said the minority had to be human
19 Sep 2021
@corbenic:matrix.org@corbenic:matrix.org left the room.04:20:16
20 Sep 2021
@sudoreboot:matrix.org@sudoreboot:matrix.org joined the room.09:48:40
24 Sep 2021
In reply to @cat:feline.support
Who said the minority had to be human
Well the sociological term "minority" doesn't carry the original meaning of "numerical minority" any more.
Basically any living organism can be considered a minority. As long as it isn't white lol.
Pretty weird.
@sudoreboot:matrix.org@sudoreboot:matrix.org left the room.05:44:59
@cat:feline.supportCat Well us felines are not under the tag human if we self identify 09:35:26
@huntsmoodddn489:matrix.org@huntsmoodddn489:matrix.orgAha.... Most people grow out of the early childhood phase of believing they are literally superman if they are dressed in a superman costume...19:25:34
6 Oct 2021
@huntsmoodddn489:matrix.org@huntsmoodddn489:matrix.org left the room.11:08:01
@czczcz:matrix.orgczczcz joined the room.15:26:37
8 Oct 2021
@cat:feline.supportCat changed their profile picture.22:35:58
@cat:feline.supportCat changed their profile picture.22:38:04
1 Nov 2021
@bintu88:matrix.orgbintu88 joined the room.12:03:55
@predicativa:spathoche.nohost.meSpathoche changed their profile picture.16:06:09
@predicativa:spathoche.nohost.meSpathoche changed their display name from Spathoche to Jon.16:08:46
9 Nov 2021
@0skyd:matrix.org@0skyd:matrix.org joined the room.02:44:46
In reply to @huntsmoodddn489:matrix.org
Don't worry about it, Franziska cobalt is a mentally ill autistic tranny that hates humans in general.
? what?
@zuggtmoy:matrix.orgcobalt banned @jack09877890:matrix.org@jack09877890:matrix.org.17:48:07

You know what

I can clearly not adequately moderate this space given the level of people quality on Matrix overall

I'm turning it off. Add each other if you don't want to lose each other

@zuggtmoy:matrix.orgcobaltchanged room power levels.17:49:25
@zuggtmoy:matrix.orgcobaltchanged room power levels.17:49:29
@zuggtmoy:matrix.orgcobaltchanged room power levels.17:49:46
@zuggtmoy:matrix.orgcobaltchanged room power levels.17:49:51
@zuggtmoy:matrix.orgcobalt changed the join rule to "invite" from "public".17:51:01

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