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chat for https://github.com/t3chguy/matrix-static/ - deployed at https://view.matrix.org/46 Servers

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14 May 2020
@voyager:t2bot.ioMatrix Traveler (bot) joined the room.23:28:22
@chagai95:matrix.orgChagai (backup account) joined the room.23:29:21
@chagai95:matrix.orgChagai (backup account)hi everyone, I wanted to ask if anyone could estimate how difficult it would be to add this to my own server 🙈23:43:03
@x:riot.ovh@x:riot.ovhIf you're familiar at all with docker, should be really trivial23:45:20
@x:riot.ovh@x:riot.ovhThe included Dockerfile does everything except make a config file for you: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-static/blob/master/Dockerfile23:45:50
@chagai95:matrix.orgChagai (backup account) I'll suggest to add it to the ansible playbook#matrix-docker-ansible-deploy:devture.com if it is not already part of it 23:47:20
@x:riot.ovh@x:riot.ovhnice idea!23:47:50
15 May 2020
@chagai95:matrix.orgChagai (backup account)Redacted or Malformed Event14:18:26
@chagai95:matrix.orgChagai (backup account) * 14:21:02
17 May 2020
@zaldim:matrix.orgzaldim joined the room.21:43:42
29 May 2020
@chagai95:matrix.orgChagai (backup account) set a profile picture.10:10:47
@chagai95:matrix.orgChagai (backup account) changed their display name from chagai95 to Chagai Friedlander .10:10:59
2 Jun 2020
In reply to @x:riot.ovh
https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-static/pull/90 should hopefully be the last thing needed for the next release, just a little bit more testing to go, annoyingly I think I've been fail2ban'd by matrix.org because I get 429s from my home IP :D
it is merged, is that indeed the last thing needed?
3 Jun 2020
@x:riot.ovh@x:riot.ovh Mathijs: Argh. I keep forgetting/getting distracted. I will sit down tonight and hopefully get a Release in place 13:17:48
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsthanks :)13:18:08
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsalso: sorry I keep nagging you 😇13:18:21
@x:riot.ovh@x:riot.ovhdon't be :)13:18:32
5 Jun 2020
@ravindr991:matrix.orgravindr991 joined the room.15:28:44
@ravindr991:matrix.orgravindr991Hi is there any way to create new table or column in matrix database and access them using api ?16:16:19
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRthis is very much the wrong room for that.16:16:38
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRyou'll want the support room for your homeserver of choice, and might want to question why you'd be modifying the database.16:16:59
12 Jun 2020
@x:riot.ovh@x:riot.ovhNew Matrix-Static release v0.3.0 With improved support for media and tombstone events and a bunch of bug fixes! https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-static/releases Should be deployed to view.matrix.org shortly12:56:46
@michael_the_archangel:matrix.orgmichaelOooh, yay13:02:09
14 Jun 2020
@rdi:matrix.alkemata.comrdi joined the room.18:33:02
17 Jun 2020
@note:gnuperth.orgnote joined the room.01:02:16
In reply to @x:riot.ovh
New Matrix-Static release v0.3.0
With improved support for media and tombstone events and a bunch of bug fixes!
Should be deployed to view.matrix.org shortly
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijs(finally 😛)15:13:42
* @mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijs should go upgrade matrix.f-droid.org now15:13:59
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsyou supply a docker container, right?15:14:17
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijscan I just extract the binary out of there and have it work on debian?15:14:32

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