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chat for https://github.com/t3chguy/matrix-static/ - deployed at https://view.matrix.org/48 Servers

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20 May 2022
@simonmic:matrix.orgsm g'day Michael (t3chguy). I changed #haskell:matrix.org 's history visibility to Anyone. Any tips now for encouraging the bot to join and https://view.matrix.org/?query=haskell to update ? Is it Matrix Traveler bot ? 17:20:30
@x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy)as I told you above, it does not join rooms17:20:46
@x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy)Is it in matrix.org's public rooms directory?17:21:05
@x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy)how long ago did you change the setting?17:22:13
@x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy)https://view.matrix.org/alias/%23haskell:matrix.org works for the record17:22:34
@x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy)the public rooms list will be cached for a while17:22:39
@simonmic:matrix.orgsm Michael (t3chguy): just now. Thanks, do you know the approximate delay till it appears at https://view.matrix.org/?query=haskell ? That'll help me complete announcement/discussion updates 17:25:07
@x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy)that's configurable and I don't have access to the deployed config atm17:25:47
@simonmic:matrix.orgsmok.. I'll watch it. Thanks for your help17:26:03
@simonmic:matrix.orgsmwho currently operates it, by the way ?17:34:10
@x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy)The Element ops team17:34:26
@simonmic:matrix.orgsmhere's a week-old log page (from the #xmonad room): https://view.matrix.org/room/!arvCkuMSDjUpxdkOoH:matrix.org/?anchor=$kkR_eyDCMRsIgn4jLCG7pE2b-N3u-pHh154gDUE2u74&offset=450 The content does not seem to be indexed by google: https://www.google.com/search?q=%22https%3A%2F%2Fpaste.tomsmeding.com%2FynU4aOKD%22 https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Aview.matrix.org+%22bleh%2C+this+hunch+is+harder+to+test+than+I+thought+%3A%28%22 Only the room list and room member lists are: https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Aview.matrix.org+arvCkuMSDjUpxdkOoH 18:08:53
@simonmic:matrix.orgsmany thoughts ? Shouldn't the log pages be indexed ?18:09:29
@simonmic:matrix.orgsmI do see some search results for other rooms18:10:44
@simonmic:matrix.orgsmeg this #linux room was indexed yesterday: https://www.google.com/search?q=%22i+much+rather+buy+real+books+with+my+money%2218:13:12
24 May 2022
@pwr22:shortestpath.devpwr22 joined the room.14:39:16
25 May 2022
@delph:matrix.orgMichael left the room.12:50:03
1 Jun 2022
@rosebyte:matrix.orgRoseByte joined the room.05:04:00
14 Jun 2022
@kity:kity.wtfproblems changed their profile picture.00:43:28
@sblotgq067:matrix.org@sblotgq067:matrix.org joined the room.06:35:51
@abuse:matrix.orgAbuse Management banned @sblotgq067:matrix.org@sblotgq067:matrix.org (spam).21:47:26
22 Jun 2022
@lon:j4rvis.xyzlon joined the room.19:20:27
1 Jul 2022
@oswald:lefti.shoswald joined the room.13:10:31
8 Jul 2022
@helloskeletor:matrix.orghelloskeletor joined the room.05:08:43
15 Jul 2022
@bestonerazy:matrix.orgbestonecrazy joined the room.20:38:58
17 Jul 2022
@ht.jaya:matrix.org꒒ꄲꋊꏂ꒒ꌦꉔꋬ꓄ joined the room.04:47:42
18 Jul 2022
@helloskeletor:matrix.orghelloskeletor left the room.23:07:17

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