

18 Members
Officially on the backburner, basically abandoned | A matrix chat client to facilitate communication | https://github.com/turt2live/evelium | Please help: https://git.io/evelium_help_wanted | Current build: https://evelium.io/app10 Servers

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17 May 2018
@travis:t2l.ioTravisREvelium heavily relies on "a few seconds ago" eventually turning into a real date.18:56:10
@MTRNord:matrix.ffslfl.netMTRNord TravisR: hm no that one not but it shouldn't be hard to extend its functions to do so. 18:56:38
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRmaybe something like this works better: https://github.com/urish/ngx-moment18:57:29
@MTRNord:matrix.ffslfl.netMTRNord TravisR: oh yeah right that one makes more sense to use. 18:58:11
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRI still want to take a bulldozer to the startup process of Evelium though :p18:58:55
@MTRNord:matrix.ffslfl.netMTRNordthats why I am taking the smaller Issues for now :)18:59:28
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRparticularly considering one of my sessions never calls /sync18:59:42
@cadair:cadair.com@cadair:cadair.comDo you folks have a scope or USP in mind for this over other clients? (Just ooi)19:00:10
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRUSP means a couple things to me, which are you referring to here?19:00:38
@cadair:cadair.com@cadair:cadair.comUnique selling point19:00:56
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRah, very different than user support policy :p19:01:11
@cadair:cadair.com@cadair:cadair.comTricksy acronyms19:01:45
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRThe scope here so far is just "make a client that I'd use on a daily basis". It's doubling as an experiment and playground though, which is why it's bad in some areas.19:02:18
* @MTRNord:matrix.ffslfl.netMTRNord would love to see it replacing riot in my daily use ;P19:02:51
@cadair:cadair.com@cadair:cadair.comALL THE CLIENTS19:03:26
@travis:t2l.ioTravisREventually the plan will probably shift towards being yet another slack replacement. This would technically be a competitor to Riot, but there'd be no animosity between the projects (hopefully)19:03:51
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRAlthough by nature of me writing a ton of bots and some bridges, Evelium will be more focused on the integrations side of things to make it The Last Client You'll Need.19:05:58
@cadair:cadair.com@cadair:cadair.comWithout wanting to fan a flame war, what are the major drawbacks in Riot that you will not want to repeat?19:06:40
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRIn the short term, the layout of the room list. I've never really been a huge fan of every matrix client saying Favourites, People, Rooms, Low Priority (and all tags showing 10 rooms by default).19:08:52
@cadair:cadair.com@cadair:cadair.com Yeah it's not great. I found that Fractal post about that problem interesting. 19:09:24
@cadair:cadair.com@cadair:cadair.comDo you have something in mind, because I was struggling to envision something I thought would work.19:09:53
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRYea, and one of their declined solutions is what Evelium does :p19:09:59
@cadair:cadair.com@cadair:cadair.comI did try and login to Evelium a while ago but it just borked lol19:10:42
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRThe mockup looks like this:19:11:10
Download image.png
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRReality changed though:19:11:32
Download image.png

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