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17 Jan 2019
@Anon999:matrix.org@Anon999:matrix.orgGood one08:47:54
@beautiful__naw:matrix.org@beautiful__naw:matrix.org changed their profile picture.17:08:08
18 Jan 2019
@fractal:matrix.org@fractal:matrix.orgmore rotten egg puns please06:07:15
@breezeman:matrix.orgZEFTimmy is a bad egg, spoiled rotten by his parents. 10:37:27
@beautiful__naw:matrix.org@beautiful__naw:matrix.org changed their profile picture.16:35:44
@beautiful__naw:matrix.org@beautiful__naw:matrix.org changed their display name from lil_bella_bear to Summers_Pillow.17:13:27

(That one came to me in my dream)
aah, i see it's devinely inspired

@beautiful__naw:matrix.org@beautiful__naw:matrix.org changed their display name from Summers_Pillow to Summer, Hope, and Conners Girl.19:36:58
@beautiful__naw:matrix.org@beautiful__naw:matrix.org changed their profile picture.19:48:57
21 Jan 2019
@transcaffeine:finallycoffee.eutranscaffeine joined the room.12:40:20
23 Jan 2019
@beautiful__naw:matrix.org@beautiful__naw:matrix.org changed their display name from Summer, Hope, and Conners Girl to Conner and Summers Girl.20:00:26
24 Jan 2019
@beautiful__naw:matrix.org@beautiful__naw:matrix.org changed their profile picture.16:39:08
25 Jan 2019
Download IMG_20190124_102643.jpg
26 Jan 2019
@breezeman:matrix.orgZEFDissolving the boundaries01:18:43
Download IMG_20190126_184421.png
@breezeman:matrix.orgZEF slow clapping 18:29:15
@Anon999:matrix.org@Anon999:matrix.orgI want that game18:30:10
@breezeman:matrix.orgZEFI imagine Bitcher's favorite sign, Fakyu It burns just like Agni, but is directed at enemy's mind. 18:32:05
@breezeman:matrix.orgZEFIt's a simple sign, requiring you to close your fist and raise a single finger in front of the enemy.18:34:38
@Grillby:matrix.org@Grillby:matrix.orgThe center finger, IIRC.18:36:28
@breezeman:matrix.orgZEFCorrect. Some say it's a curious example of an air-elemental sign, belonging in similar group to Aard. Both expel a wave of psychokinetic force, just one has a greater... penetration value than the other. 18:39:41
@breezeman:matrix.orgZEFSome call it the sign of the bird, due to it's air association and reported auditory hallucinations, resembling squawking. 18:41:31
@Grillby:matrix.org@Grillby:matrix.orgI thought it was because of the direction the certain finger shows in.18:45:19
@breezeman:matrix.orgZEFAh, that too.18:48:07
@breezeman:matrix.orgZEFThere are a number of names for this technique, actually, so there are plenty of reasons for them too. For example, some students use crude but technically correct name of "showing it up yours", as they do shove the energy into their opponent's nervous system. Some other 18:49:41

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