
skywater-pdk: general

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2 Apr 2021
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01T5DLU7M0:matrix.orgDevarshi Mrinal Das set a profile picture.11:11:40
@slackbot:matrix.orgSlack Integration invited @_slack_skywater-pdk_U01TJCYB17B:matrix.org_slack_skywater-pdk_U01TJCYB17B.14:15:19
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01TJCYB17B:matrix.org_slack_skywater-pdk_U01TJCYB17B joined the room.14:15:19
@slackbot:matrix.orgSlack Integration invited @_slack_skywater-pdk_U01T5QCNB50:matrix.orgAndrey Korshunov.14:16:12
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01T5QCNB50:matrix.orgAndrey Korshunov joined the room.14:16:12
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01T5QCNB50:matrix.orgAndrey Korshunov changed their display name from _slack_skywater-pdk_U01T5QCNB50 to Andrey Korshunov.14:16:37
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01T5QCNB50:matrix.orgAndrey Korshunov set a profile picture.14:16:38
@slackbot:matrix.orgSlack Integration invited @_slack_skywater-pdk_U01TCDVE05A:matrix.orgWood Chiang.17:04:04
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01TCDVE05A:matrix.orgWood Chiang joined the room.17:04:04
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01TCDVE05A:matrix.orgWood Chiang changed their display name from _slack_skywater-pdk_U01TCDVE05A to Wood Chiang.17:11:46
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01TCDVE05A:matrix.orgWood Chiang set a profile picture.17:11:48
3 Apr 2021
@slackbot:matrix.orgSlack Integration invited @_slack_skywater-pdk_U01TX1H4ZA4:matrix.orgRemy Goldschmidt.02:31:51
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01TX1H4ZA4:matrix.orgRemy Goldschmidt joined the room.02:31:51
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01TX1H4ZA4:matrix.orgRemy Goldschmidt changed their display name from _slack_skywater-pdk_U01TX1H4ZA4 to Remy Goldschmidt.02:32:19
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01TX1H4ZA4:matrix.orgRemy Goldschmidt set a profile picture.02:32:21
@slackbot:matrix.orgSlack Integration invited @_slack_skywater-pdk_U01T7FG34BV:matrix.org_slack_skywater-pdk_U01T7FG34BV.04:24:04
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01T7FG34BV:matrix.org_slack_skywater-pdk_U01T7FG34BV joined the room.04:24:04
@slackbot:matrix.orgSlack Integration invited @_slack_skywater-pdk_U01SSFX4PEK:matrix.orgnvijayamanohar.04:26:27
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01SSFX4PEK:matrix.orgnvijayamanohar joined the room.04:26:28
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01SSFX4PEK:matrix.orgnvijayamanohar changed their display name from _slack_skywater-pdk_U01SSFX4PEK to nvijayamanohar.04:26:28
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01SSFX4PEK:matrix.orgnvijayamanohar set a profile picture.04:26:28
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01SSFX4PEK:matrix.orgnvijayamanohar changed their profile picture.05:23:03
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01SSFX4PEK:matrix.orgnvijayamanohar sfsdfs 05:23:04
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01SSFX4PEK:matrix.orgnvijayamanohar Sorry for the typo 05:23:33
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@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01SSFX4PEK:matrix.orgnvijayamanohar I am using sky130 libraries and facing the following issue. I wrote the RTL for a simple DFF and synthesized it and ran the GLS on the netlist. The verilog model of the flop in sky130 lib seems to be wrong and i am seeing q pin to be floating in the GLS output. This is because the verilog model is using some signals *_DELAYED (like D_DELAYED , RESET_B_DELAYED, etc) in it which are not driven inside the model. Have posted the snippet of the model along with this post. Please share me if you are aware of any known workarounds / limitations . Thanks in advance for help._ 05:26:34
In reply to@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01SSFX4PEK:matrix.org
I am using sky130 libraries and facing the following issue. I wrote the RTL for a simple DFF and synthesized it and ran the GLS on the netlist. The verilog model of the flop in sky130 lib seems to be wrong and i am seeing q pin to be floating in the GLS output. This is because the verilog model is using some signals *_DELAYED (like D_DELAYED , RESET_B_DELAYED, etc) in it which are not driven inside the model. Have posted the snippet of the model along with this post. Please share me if you are aware of any known workarounds / limitations . Thanks in advance for help._
Interesting... Has anyone observed this before? Tim Edwards Tim 'mithro' Ansell
In reply to@_slack_skywater-pdk_U0174MP1W6Q:matrix.org
Interesting... Has anyone observed this before? Tim Edwards Tim 'mithro' Ansell
I ran into this issue a while back and the only fix I could find was to switch to a different simulation mode or to try to patch the cells manually
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01GWVDEYER:matrix.orgAmmar Kurd changed their display name from _slack_skywater-pdk_U01GWVDEYER to Ammar Kurd.10:00:03
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01GWVDEYER:matrix.orgAmmar Kurd set a profile picture.10:00:03

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