
BEP016: Diffusion derivatives

9 Members
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22 Aug 2018
@franco-p:matrix.orgfranco-pestilli changed their display name from franco-p to franco-pestilli.18:33:53
@filo:matrix.orgChris Gorgolewskichanged room power levels.19:11:30
23 Aug 2018
@jchoude:matrix.orgjchoude invited @gitter_arokem:matrix.org@gitter_arokem:matrix.org.17:43:11
@gitter_arokem:matrix.org@gitter_arokem:matrix.org joined the room.17:43:18
@gitter_arokem:matrix.org@gitter_arokem:matrix.orgThe gitter bridge doesn't support private messaging, or inviting to rooms.17:43:20
@gitter_arokem:matrix.org@gitter_arokem:matrix.org left the room.17:43:21
@filo:matrix.orgChris Gorgolewskiwhich room did you try to bridge?18:19:58
@jchoude:matrix.orgjchoudeI tried to invite Ariel and Michel Cottaars to this room. Ariel seems to use his gitter handle, and Michel was using his email.18:29:46
@jchoude:matrix.orgjchoudeBecause people are trying to join but are denied access18:29:59
@filo:matrix.orgChris Gorgolewskiand they don't want to creat a matrix account?18:35:28
@jchoude:matrix.orgjchoudeAriel seems to be using his gitter account in the main Derivatives room, so we thought it would work.18:36:29
@jchoude:matrix.orgjchoudeAs for Michel, he is not here locally, and I was just given his email address by Sean18:37:50
@filo:matrix.orgChris Gorgolewskiyou can share this link with him: https://matrix.to/#/!FtVNVlmCvQIYckBHqK:matrix.org18:38:39
@filo:matrix.orgChris Gorgolewskiit has instruction how to join the room18:38:47
@jchoude:matrix.orgjchoudeok thanks18:38:54
@jchoude:matrix.orgjchoude invited @michiel_cottaar:matrix.orgmichiel_cottaar.18:43:11
@michiel_cottaar:matrix.orgmichiel_cottaar joined the room.18:43:41
@michiel_cottaar:matrix.orgmichiel_cottaarHi, thanks for inviting me18:44:19
@jchoude:matrix.orgjchoudeHi, nice to have you in the discussion18:44:35
@arokem:matrix.orgarokem joined the room.18:44:48
@arokem:matrix.orgarokemI am in the Diffusion derivatives room18:45:06
@jchoude:matrix.orgjchoudeCurrently, the discussion is still in the main BEP group, about file naming and suffixes. When we get to proper DWI-related discussions we'll update you18:45:16
@arokem:matrix.orgarokemRedacted or Malformed Event18:45:28
@michiel_cottaar:matrix.orgmichiel_cottaarThanks, let me know18:45:40
@jchoude:matrix.orgjchoudeDo you have the link for the current (unfinished) draft of the DWI spec?18:46:26
@jchoude:matrix.orgjchoudeIf you want to have a look in the meantime. We mainly focused on the "models" section up to now, trying to list the mainstream models18:47:22
@jchoude:matrix.orgjchoudeThe goal is not necessarily to identify every single model ever published, but more what is common in this first phase18:47:53
@michiel_cottaar:matrix.orgmichiel_cottaarIt's up to you guys, but I'm a bit worried that focusing on the "models" section is a bit of a rabbit hole. If I am developing a tool relying on the output of diffusion MRI models, I would mostly want standard locations for model-derived maps (for statistical analysis), for ODFs (dyads or spherical harmonics for tractography), and/or tractography streamlines (for connectivity analysis/ROIs), which being described in the other sections. I can not imagine there will be a lot of tools that will work on the diffmodels directly rather than the maps or ODFs. So in my mind diffmodels is actually an intermediate file format and I'm not sure if we really need to define the diffmodels for the initial release of the DWI spec.19:21:12

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