
New Zealand Aotearoa

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25 Jul 2024
In reply to @swansinflight:mtrx.nz
There might be a million tools like this already, pay to do a bunch of research and find out why we haven't heard of them. Maybe.
i've looked and i haven't been able to find any that are really particularly good
@swansinflight:mtrx.nzswansinflightI feel like building a language platform/app framework would be beneficial, so the langauge part could be open source... like a wiki, I guess? So the work is offloaded to the users that have all the info to give and are willing instead of a middle person seting it up. Maybe. I don;t know, I'm not a dev04:49:22
@swansinflight:mtrx.nzswansinflight * I feel like building a language platform/app framework would be beneficial, so the langauge part could be open source... like a wiki, I guess? So the work is offloaded to the users that have all the info to give and are willing instead of a middle person seting it up. Maybe. I don't know, I'm not a dev04:49:37
@swansinflight:mtrx.nzswansinflightI assume the ones that arent very good also aren't open and taking contributions04:49:58
In reply to @josh:matrix.voorka.mp
i've looked and i haven't been able to find any that are really particularly good
Neither have I, that's why I'm considering this
@skivling:mtrx.nzskivling Definitely. I would also make sure other people are developing the course alongside me.
I am not Māori and I know little Te Reo Māori, so I'll be making this while learning and looking to courses in other mediums to ensure I'm covering everything.
@atmmachine:mtrx.nzATMmachine there's an open source duolingo-like thing called LibreLingo which might be usable to develop a course with/for. the ui isn't particularly exceptional and not too sure if it is offline oriented, but still an interesting thing to look at for what others have done related to making language learning resources digitally. 10:52:39
@atmmachine:mtrx.nzATMmachinepersonally quite interested in a libre way to learn te reo māori and would try to involve with any communitu that arose around such a tool.10:53:52
In reply to @swansinflight:mtrx.nz
I feel like building a language platform/app framework would be beneficial, so the langauge part could be open source... like a wiki, I guess? So the work is offloaded to the users that have all the info to give and are willing instead of a middle person seting it up. Maybe. I don;t know, I'm not a dev
semi-adjacent to this, think that using wikidata lexemes might be a really efficient way to go about part of this. not only would that have the editability of a wiki, but also the ability to interface easily with code, encourage people to enhance coverage of te reo māori on wikidata, and make whatever underlying platform created relatively portable to other languages. not sure if there is any way to record grammar using wikidata, regardless having such an accessible and correctable lexeme database would be beneficial. not entirely familiar with wikidata lexemes so perhaps they are more or less useful than described here.
In reply to @sordid:possum.lol
where are you from Tartrat ?
South America
@tartratartrat:gemeinsam.jetztTartratUnrelated but I feel an odd need to apologize to you folks xP21:28:33
@filip:chat.usr.nzfilipwell... stop feeling like that :P21:33:05
@tartratartrat:gemeinsam.jetztTartratxD thankies21:33:39
In reply to @idanoo:mtrx.nz
@tartratartrat:gemeinsam.jetztTartrat Chez… la terre de la nuage blanche 21:50:42
In reply to @captainducky:mtrx.nz
26 Jul 2024
In reply to @atmmachine:mtrx.nz
there's an open source duolingo-like thing called LibreLingo which might be usable to develop a course with/for. the ui isn't particularly exceptional and not too sure if it is offline oriented, but still an interesting thing to look at for what others have done related to making language learning resources digitally.
This is what my app is for, and based on. I'm going to try revitalise the development but add some extra features for my app.
@skivling:mtrx.nzskivling So there'll be officially supported courses which have all the features, the only one I am doing is Te Reo Māori. Others can manage others, especially spanish and Basque.
All the decent LibreLingo courses will be available in the app as well.
@skivling:mtrx.nzskivlingI will be trying to get the extra features merged into LL itself so the LL courses get those extra features04:23:05
@skivling:mtrx.nzskivling Currently I am in the planning phase and will update this group when a semi-usable alpha version is released. 04:24:07
In reply to @filip:chat.usr.nz
@skivling:mtrx.nzskivling changed their profile picture.11:51:23
@void:mtrx.nzBlue Eyes White WomanπŸ”20:26:04
@void:mtrx.nzBlue Eyes White Womanima_2fab967.gif
Download ima_2fab967.gif

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