
Gateway to the Realm

882 Members
This space is intended to be a waiting room for new explorers so they may create a screen name and add the applicable acronyms, upload a profile photo (closeup of your face with eyes masked if you wish) and submit the ID verification form before receiving an invite to the Alterigo Lounge. 8 Servers

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1 Apr 2022
@zanjani1:matrix.orgReza - Admin | Token-3277Good evening. Please submit a complete profile if you don't want to be removed for this room. 03:00:46
@aequitas_1216:matrix.orgaequitas_C-W-IC-Pub/Priv set a profile picture.03:16:43
@aequitas_1216:matrix.orgaequitas_C-W-IC-Pub/Priv changed their display name from aequitas_1216 to aequitas_C-W-IC-Priv.03:19:41
@tk69:matrix.orgtk69 S-WC-BA,IC- New set their display name to tk69.07:58:29
@aequitas_1216:matrix.orgaequitas_C-W-IC-Pub/Priv changed their display name from aequitas_C-W-IC-Priv to aequitas_C-W-IC-Pub/Priv.12:54:14
2 Apr 2022
@zanjani1:matrix.orgReza - Admin | Token-3277madame-marie-post-4-1-2022.png
Download madame-marie-post-4-1-2022.png
@jowantstoknow:matrix.orgjowantstoknow a/cmw/ba/new joined the room.03:23:17
@jowantstoknow:matrix.orgjowantstoknow a/cmw/ba/new set a profile picture.03:42:34
@jowantstoknow:matrix.orgjowantstoknow a/cmw/ba/new changed their display name from jowantstoknow to jowantstoknow c/cmw/ba/new.03:47:54
@mstasha:matrix.org@mstasha:matrix.org joined the room.14:50:22
@mstasha:matrix.org@mstasha:matrix.org joined the room.14:54:41
@mstasha:matrix.org@mstasha:matrix.org left the room.14:54:42
@thetake:matrix.orgthetake joined the room.14:57:24
@espalier:matrix.orgespalier - C | C | IC | NEW changed their display name from Espalier - C | C | IC | NEW to espalier - C | C | IC | NEW.21:02:11
3 Apr 2022
@selbeez:matrix.orgselbeez joined the room.00:46:21
@selbeez:matrix.orgselbeez set a profile picture.00:49:06
@selbeez:matrix.orgselbeez changed their profile picture.00:50:06
@n3nity:matrix.orgn3nity joined the room.04:00:08
@voltron88:matrix.orgvoltron88 joined the room.12:22:09
@voltron88:matrix.orgvoltron88 set a profile picture.12:32:09
@riddix:matrix.orgRx - S | C,W | AP | New joined the room.17:24:34
@riddix:matrix.orgRx - S | C,W | AP | New changed their display name from C Riddick to S CW.17:28:01
@stewardwhite:matrix.orgstewardwhite joined the room.19:50:28
@dccurves:matrix.orgdccurves- S- CMW - BA - New joined the room.21:26:32
@jowantstoknow:matrix.orgjowantstoknow a/cmw/ba/new changed their display name from jowantstoknow c/cmw/ba/new to jowantstoknow a/cmw/ba/new.21:50:35
@blondecutie:matrix.orgblondecutie | C | CW | BA | New joined the room.23:14:01
@dccurves:matrix.orgdccurves- S- CMW - BA - New set a profile picture.23:40:27
@dccurves:matrix.orgdccurves- S- CMW - BA - New changed their display name from dccurves to dccurves- S- CMA - BA - New.23:43:51
@dccurves:matrix.orgdccurves- S- CMW - BA - New changed their display name from dccurves- S- CMA - BA - New to dccurves- S- CMW - BA - New.23:44:23
@blondecutie:matrix.orgblondecutie | C | CW | BA | New changed their display name from blondecutie to blondecutie | C | CW | IC | New.23:56:45

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