3 Apr 2022 |
| blondecutie | C | CW | BA | New set a profile picture. | 23:56:46 |
| wonder_me|C|MCW|BA/IC|New|she/her|76362 joined the room. | 23:58:55 |
4 Apr 2022 |
| experimentalj joined the room. | 00:58:22 |
| wonder_me|C|MCW|BA/IC|New|she/her|76362 set a profile picture. | 01:09:45 |
| wonder_me|C|MCW|BA/IC|New|she/her|76362 changed their display name from wonder_me to wonder_me|C|MCW|BA/IC|New|she/her. | 01:13:40 |
| @msrodriguez:matrix.org joined the room. | 03:10:32 |
| @msrodriguez:matrix.org joined the room. | 03:15:25 |
| @msrodriguez:matrix.org joined the room. | 03:17:48 |
| @msrodriguez:matrix.org joined the room. | 03:17:48 |
| @msrodriguez:matrix.org left the room. | 03:17:48 |
| tamoteru joined the room. | 20:26:54 |
| @4wrvyjqv8g:matrix.org joined the room. | 21:52:00 |
| Reza - Admin | Token-3277 set the room name to "Gateway to the Realm". | 22:13:12 |
Reza - Admin | Token-3277 | Hello everyone, if you have submitted your ID verification form and have not yet received an invite to the main lounge send me a direct message. | 22:16:46 |
Reza - Admin | Token-3277 | Download Deviance-Contest-FB.png | 22:17:22 |
| Reza - Admin | Token-3277 changed their display name from Reza - Admin to Reza - Admin | Token-3277. | 22:43:23 |
| Eva Allure C - CW - BA - New joined the room. | 23:48:26 |
5 Apr 2022 |
| Inara Kitsune (S | M | BA, IC | New) joined the room. | 00:37:37 |
| l8xx joined the room. | 00:44:06 |
| Inara Kitsune (S | M | BA, IC | New) set a profile picture. | 00:48:23 |
| Inara Kitsune (S | M | BA, IC | New) changed their display name from inarakitsune to inarakitsune (S|New). | 01:54:38 |
| Inara Kitsune (S | M | BA, IC | New) changed their display name from inarakitsune (S|New) to inarakitsune (S | M | BA, IC | New). | 01:58:56 |
| Isabelle 🦚 [HoI] S|CW|IC/ba|P&P|she/her 76267 changed their display name from Isabelle 🦚 [HoI] S|CW|IC/ba|P&P|she/her to Isabelle 🦚 [HoI] S|CW|IC/ba|P&P|she/her 76267. | 02:10:05 |
| Eva Allure C - CW - BA - New changed their display name from evaallure to Eva Allure C - CW - BA - New. | 03:05:25 |
| Eva Allure C - CW - BA - New set a profile picture. | 03:05:26 |
| Inara Kitsune (S | M | BA, IC | New) changed their display name from inarakitsune (S | M | BA, IC | New) to Inara Kitsune (S | M | BA, IC | New). | 03:14:09 |
| beachstar83 joined the room. | 06:12:46 |
| Chwaz C/W/BA/New joined the room. | 17:25:49 |
| Chwaz C/W/BA/New set a profile picture. | 17:28:00 |
| officially.darling15 joined the room. | 18:22:04 |